DuckDAO updates: DUCK, DuckStarter, DuckSwap, and DuckFarm

If this is your first time here, my name is Francis and here at TCL, we emphasize the importance of crypto mass adoption, decentralization, and other bitcoin related stuff that could bank us coin. So if you want to learn more, do that by subscribing to our YouTube channel below and hit the bell icon. I’ve been out of action for about a week and a half or so, and it feels as though I’ve been out action for about a year and a half or to be honest. Today we will be covering all Duck things – DuckDAO, DuckStarter, and DuckSwap.

DuckDAO website: Who will win? One VC or a thousand ducks?

DuckDAO: All Things DUCK

There’s no introduction needed here anymore at this stage, unless you’re just getting into crypto, but we are at DuckDAO’s website. These guys are in it, they got their DuckNFT, the DuckStore, the DuckStarter, which we’re gonna hit up and talk about. Their most recent project, Shadows, that just did amazing things, is just straight fire. This is what DuckDAO normally does, it just delivers right.

For the projects coming into this DeFi space; if you want to get a nice boost, a nice push, a nice head start with people who have a proven track record, who’ve been doing this incubator and vetting projects at the grassroots level, these IDOs. This is the spot. These are the people you want to deal with. And again, you could say ‘well it’s your opinion.’ Maybe that’s the case, but, I mean the numbers speak for themselves, right? If we’re talking about a healthy push, look at Poolz, look up Base. Next in line is Totem Fi, (which by the way, I should be getting a live stream interview with these guys within the next couple of weeks, so be on the lookout for that), and they’ve got a couple other projects.

DuckDAO’s Track Record Speaks Volumes

Key Tango; you guys know it’s well documented with the pre-sale that we conducted as well, these projects here are going to do fire, just like the ones in the past. Now that’s my opinion, but if we come on over to the DuckStarter section, their recent project is Shadows. And what did Shadows do? Shadows actually had an IDO price of $0.125. As you can see right here, now Shadows went live, in the last two days or yesterday or something like that. It’s crypto man, it’s fast-paced, don’t mind me, I don’t even know what day it is. Shadows actually went to an all-time high, I believe it says right here according to CoinGecko at least, $3.87, and by the way it’s trending on Dex Tools as well. So if we take this price and we divide it by 12 and a half, because that was the the price of the actual IDO (which most people try to snipe, some are successful some were not. Maybe I should make a video on how you do that.) So we got $3.87, divide that by $0.125 equals 30.96. That’s a whopping 31X, ladies and gentlemen! That’s crazy! This is not something where like you’re like, ‘Oh well. it’s hard to get into pre-sales. Oh it’s hard to do this.’ Well let’s, just see you know anybody can get into these IDOs.

All you gotta do is take their token which is the DUCK token, (and we’re going to get into that as well in the Duck Farming side of things), and you would have a shot of doing this. I personally know people that got in, and by the way, I actually turned down $10K of Shadows, just because they weren’t able to feed my community, and you guys know my principles over figures.

Can we say 31X?
Looking at a 31X!

But that’s it’s, it’s not about me, it’s about DuckDAO here, and this IDO. So if we take that 30.96X. I’m just going to go like this so we’re going to go $250 X 30.96 we’re gonna get – your $250 dollars, essentially at least right now, we’re going to turn into $7,740! You can’t buy this anywhere, this is unheard of. But this is the reality of what’s happening here with our good old friends at DuckDAO. So that was a massive success, and obviously they got a bunch more in the works: ampnet. I am bullish, like my friends in Europe like to say it, not bullish but “bullysh.” You can register now for that and I highly recommend you do, unless maybe you just don’t like making money. That’s cool too if that’s your thing, I don’t have a problem with that. You know I like to make me some money, but if you don’t that’s fine that’s cool.

They got Labs, which is going to be fire. You could white list for that right now. Polkafoundry, this is the one that they just announced today, I believe. Key Tango, I love what Key Tango is doing. It’s actually taking a lot of workload off of myself, because they’re going to be helping a lot of the newcomers to the DeFi space. As a matter of fact, just people who trade, sale, like bitcoin whatever it is your spot trading or leverage, they don’t even know how to like you know the fundamentals or the basics of DeFi. Like simple things like a metamask account, contract address, impermanent losses, and things of this nature. Key Tango is going to be doing all of that. I most certainly will be making a video on Key Tango most likely tomorrow or the next day, so do be on the lookout for that.

And the list goes on. They have which starts in 19 days. Ethbox: this is fire! Ethbox is something where essentially, one of their features is, if you were send crypto to another address and it was the wrong address, there’s ways you can mitigate that risk. That’s a big need in this space how many people here could say that? You know they accidentally send crypto to the wrong address, or they sent it to an address that doesn’t exist. Let me know in the comment section below.

And then they got Cook Protocol and the list goes on. Deeper network: like you guys know, I cover Deeper network. I’m just happy that Deeper network is going through DuckStarter. Again, it’s unlike any community out there. It’s true man you know just look at their tweets, look at the engagement.

Who Will Win? VC vs Ducks

That’s what projects need right now in this space you know a lot of people want to say ‘oh VCs.’ Well, VCs (venture capital firms) can only take you that far today. In 2021 VCs are pretty much getting disrupted, straight up. Because they can only get you that far, and provide some funds, and you know next Monday they find the next gem. But over here, with the community that DuckDAO has, it’s continuous support for months and months to come. Deeper network knows what’s up and that’s why they’re here.

All right, so looking at PolkaFoundry this was a tweet that just came out an hour ago: white listing is open for Wednesday March 10, 2021 at 2 PM UTC time. That’s gonna populate right here in seven days. I highly recommend you guys check that out.


Now let’s talk about the DuckFarming, which has been a while since we’ve talked about it. For the people who have been following my channel for some time. You guys know we covered this. We did a pre-sale and you know many people didn’t understand at the time, ‘why should I farm DUCK tokens?’ Well let me tell you why: because now I have 7,239 DUCK tokens that I yield farmed. If i were to just held on to those tokens, I would have never had 7,239 tokens. And what can you do with that? Well you’re gonna need that to get into these projects, these fire projects that have done as we just calculated. Well it’s not there anymore, 30.96X right now. And the all-time high if you look at the actual seed round, if you’re able to get into that, you know you’re looking at at least i think 42X.

So yeah good stuff there and now if you’re yield farming it you don’t necessarily have to go to the market and buy it which isn’t a bad thing either because in my humbled opinion that price is extremely undervalued extremely undervalued a 59 million market cap when you look at these IDO projects that delivers i mean i don’t know if there’s any out there that could deliver like DuckStarter, but there’s a continuous demand for these tokens because like I mean they’re just delivering with results with quality substantial results 31x on the IDO, bro, I don’t know you might want to get your head examined at your  local neighborhood clinic. That’s astronomical gains from an IDO standpoint and that’s a fact. Yield farming has been really good. If I actually calculate this what does that work out to be for me. Let’s go like this I’m going to go 7200 and 39 times oh is it a dollar eighty six I think dollar eighty six thirteen thousand four hundred and sixty four bucks – just by not doing anything. It’s one thing to say it’s yield farming, but it has a multi-utility case. The peak weeks was amazing, we made a lot of duck tokens in here.

DuckStarter: Token Sale Launchpad


So if you’re considering getting into these IDO projects, you might want to consider also yield farming some DUCK, and also staking it in the DuckStarter side of things. Right here, where you could actually get access to these IDO’s and that’s that. So let’s carry on here, and I highly recommend you guys come on over to DuckDAO’s announcement channel on Telegram. I’m all over the place, and when i want to get up to date what’s happening with our good old friends at DuckDAO, I come on over here. So follow them here on the announcement channel and also on their Twitter as well. There’s some other information that’s not in their Telegram announcement chat that’s actually on their Twitter. And then we scroll up we see like again the PolkaFoundry. I’m gonna look into that to see the specifics of that very bullish on Totem Fi. Super duper low market cap. And if you look at what happened with Poolz, very similar numbers in terms of market cap and hard cap that thing Poolz went to 90X at it’s all-time high.

It’s sitting at 50X, maybe more, 60X, something like that. So craziness. And then they got a BitBoy … @#%@#%. The information goes on they got DuckDAO partners. Again with the Polkafoundry it goes on and on. Big stuff over here. Brandon at Bondly doing his thing. Hooking up with celebrities like Logan Paul and rapper Tory Lanez. NFTs are blowing up this year. This is another solid quality project that came out of DuckDAO that did 180X from the seed price. I think it’s a 95X from the actual P2 round. So really, really cool stuff. I highly recommend you guys going to go on over there and do register for their Telegram.


Now there’s one more thing I want to share as we can see right here we’re talking about DuckSwap, which is self-explanatory. UniSwap is a swap protocol that’s going to be powered by the Orion Protocol. If we could just back up for a moment here, DuckDAO is also going to be compatible with the Polkadot Network powered by Polkadot. They know what’s up. I can’t stress this enough, these guys have the experience, they have the track record, they have the numbers, they understand the industry, they are professionals. If you want to get noticed, check these guys out. Again it’s not my opinion take it up with the numbers, take it up with the damn graphs. It speaks for itself and forget the price. We could talk about the connection and the public awareness they have in the crypto space with their community and people. DuckDAO is ringing bells right now. It’s just in your best interest to check them out and I’ll just stop there.

All right so let’s talk about the DuckSwap briefly again. I don’t want to go through the whole article, but you know I could leave the link for this in the description box if you guys want to check it on your own time. This did come out on February 19th 2021, so it might be somewhat old news for the majority of you guys. But for me, I could have only covered it now. They go on to pretty much just say that it is a swap protocol, you know very similar to say like as you can see: “We are excited at the prospect of launching our new swap protocol with Orion as a partner on our side this partnership will reveal a trove of opportunities for DuckSwap to grow and succeed in the long run,” said a DuckDAO spokesman.

Alright guy, so when you look at it right here, they got the DuckFarm going on which I just showed you guys been treating me and um people who’ve farmed from day one and even just like on week 10 eve as well or not week 10 but like week three or four or whatever however long they’ve been out um i think it’s been about two months they got the NFT aspect going on they got their store. They got Duckstarter which is the launch pad and obviously the incubator right which is a different side of things. It’s only fitting and suiting that they add the DuckSwap there to really complete the ecosystem.

No More Ducking Around

Man and speaking of complete, that completes my article. So be on the lookout for my KeyTango how-to video tutorial showing you guys how to use it. Also be on the lookout for my TotemFi live stream, and also my Convergence live stream, which is actually booked for next week Tuesday. You guys know that we’ve done a pre-sale on that, and I’m very excited to present that project. They’re offering something really unique and cool: the tokenization of real-world assets. And it’s not synthetics, it’s the actual same value of that asset in the alternate markets. I want to get into all of that all right guys so keep it locked, keep it loaded, to the one and only Crypto Lifestyle!

Watch my YouTube video below, and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel, The Crypto Lifestyle!

DuckDAO: Website | Telegram | Twitter 
DuckFarm | DuckStarter | DuckStore | DuckNFT

Disclaimer: The Crypto Lifestyle ( is not a financial advisor, nor a registered investment, legal, or tax advisor. All investment and financial opinions expressed by are from personal research and experience. The contents on this site are for informational purposes only, and does not constitute financial, accounting, or legal advice. It is important that you do your own research before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances. You should take independent financial advise from a professional, or independently research and verify, any information you find on our website.


348 thoughts on “DuckDAO updates: DUCK, DuckStarter, DuckSwap, and DuckFarm”

    1. Yes just brilliant.

      They say you learn something Everyday; with TCL you learn heaps hourly 😀🙏🏼 Well done gang.

  1. the Duck community is different from anything the financial world has seen before. 🦆

    This is also why the collaboretion between TCL & DuckDao is extra special, both provide opportunities for the smaller players in the space and both have a way of presenting complicated things in a easy way.

    Many crypto investors want to stake on promising DeFi. In view of this, DuckDAO is one of the platforms that has taken liquidity mining to new levels by providing opportunities for both large VCs and smaller investors


    Can’t wait to see what comes next!!

    Excited to see the recognition TCL is getting from the crypto space.. DuckDao knows quality when they see it.

    1. The ducks are like family to TCL. Francis brought us all together and we’re grateful that because the ducks are on an absolute mission to take over

    2. DUCK Mania is here, great projects after great projects releasing on the duckstarter and the incubator, the team is really doing a great job, amazing article TCL🔥

      1. Duck is doing amazing job and they keep working hard and feeding us with one project after another👏

        Also their communication with people is something on another level, everyone should take an example of them😎🔥

    3. Couldn’t have said it better myself Bro! Duck ecosystem had everything needed for new projects looking to launch. Proven track record and far reaches make it most attractive.

      1. Duckies to the moon. Love to the Francis, the admins and the rest TCL family. Big things coming for us, very very exciting times ahead and I’m glad to be part of such a tight-knit group of good people!!

  2. Wow, what a great in depth article.

    You’re right the Ducks are going in very hard, not only have they thought this through but their numbers speak for themselves.

    I was a bit late to the party but since joining the farm I’ve increased my duck tokens with a great yield. Going to keep accumulating these ducks as I go forward in my crypto journey.

    Looking forward to future partnerships and your content. Thanks for all you do for the community ! Much appreciated

  3. Abhishek Gupta

    Tbh Only thing I do not like about Duckdao is Tiering, In lower clubs now it is impossible to get any allocation. System is now very much tilted towards whale. Duckstarter also has tiering, at least they could have taken better inspiration from Polkastarter.

  4. DUCK, DuckStarter, DuckSwap, And DuckFarm, this team is on FIRE. It is bizarre how many great projects they start at the same time and throw them into the market with such force. They have a amazing strong team! LEts goo my litle duckies.

  5. gordongekko_87

    It was an informative article that anyone interested in duckdao should read,
    an excellent explanation for duckdao.
    I read them all without waiting and I recommend the same to everyone.
    Thank you very much Francis.

  6. James at the watercooler

    Great article, thanks Francis! DuckStarter had some issues lately, but the gains more than make up for it. 😉

  7. EvilEyedLarry

    Great article on the Duck ecosystem, thanks TCL.
    Mass adoption is happening and its projects and platforms like this, along with their communities, that will set the future standards. Glad to be apart of it too, thanks to this man and his team. #TheCryptoLifestyle

  8. Spot on article about the mighty DUCKS 🔥🦆. Interested to check out DuckSwap when it launches. Hopefully they’ve ironed out the issues they’ve had recently by then. TCL baby!!

  9. Duck has a strong community witch is necessary for growth. obviously they have had huge success and i definitely see that continuing in the future. They have a strong team and strong community..

  10. Thank you for taking the time to share such amazing thoughts with us on the entire Duck eco man they seems to be having a lot in store

    1. Matthew Voesenek

      Duckdao vs TCL is such a epic collab!! Duckdao will have a bright future like all tcl bro’s and sisters 😎😎

  11. Tomáš Kristl

    Holy moly ! This is just crazy Francis! Really good DUCKDao summary! Appreacited 🙂 #BHB family

  12. Woow, super informative. I’m holding DDIM, so I’m a DuckDao supporter, but I was kinda confused about all the different things they offer.
    This is even better than the info on their own website haha, they should’ve hired you, Francis!

    Thanks a LOT for this, it really helped me out deciding what to do/buy from DuckDao. #TCL #DuckDao

  13. Tomáš Kristl II.

    Insane blog! I love this fam 🙂 keep it up, this has so much information about our loved DuckDAO! Nicely done team 🙂 #BHB

  14. Amazing article covering everything Duck, loving these write ups, really nice to go everything in writing, keep it up TCL gang, amazing stuff 🔥🔥🔥

  15. All things related to Ducks covered by TCL..this is amazing..I was searching on the net a place for all information related to duck tokens..This article covers it all… Amazingly explained and even more bullish on duck now. The duck team is one of the most innovative teams out there

  16. Jijith Johnson

    A nice overview of the whole duck ecosystem, if anyone needs all information about ducks in one go this is where they need to come in. Thanks for putting in the effort in bringing such informative content for the TCL family.

    Keep up the good work!

  17. Duck delivers its promise in their community, insane updates in a limited time and many more. DuckStarter, DuckSwap, And DuckFarm 🤩 its good to see how a simple duck becomes SuperDuck🔥🔥🔥BULLISH #BHB

  18. Harish Gulati

    Sooo Glad and Grateful, I was part of Duck Presale. And then listened to you and started Farming. Now I am waking up to duckling every Morning in my wallet.


  19. Great and very informative article by Francis. There are so many things in this article that I was not aware of. Thanks to TCL and team.

    Can wait for the next Duck project.

    1. Wachira suksuchit

      This is a great read! very informative with everything I needed to know about DockDao. Now that I feel more confident in the project I’m investing in. Thank you so much 🙏🙏

  20. Great article TCL, thank you for this. I have lots of early Crypto friends that will find this article very helpful and insightful. Go Duck

  21. Quack…quack…ducks are on fire, very good article broski TCL ..Thanks for your great work #thecryptolifestyle #BHB

  22. With some much happening with the ducks at the moment it’s so easy to loose track, Thank you Francis for all the information.

  23. I like the way this article is written, it is as if you’re really talking to us🤩. The writers of my lecture books should get a lesson from you 😂 anyway I really like the DuckDAO thing. And the results it delivers😍 just straight fire🔥🔥🔥 ~ S3xyDutchm4n out

  24. Amazing summary for those who are new to the DUCKworld.

    I personaly using everyting starting from farming, farcubation to the duskstarter. So far i was amazed how DUCK team could bring everything together and creating their own ekosystem – which leads me to DUCKSWAP. I cannot wait start using their Swap, very excited!

    Let me tell you DUCKs are already proven and making partnership and progress every single day. Just look their announcements and ability to deliver… Its crazy! I highly recommend go for DUCK! It is the best choise!

    Have nice QUACK!

  25. Duck Dao has built an all in one DeFi ecosystem backed by a community that knows “Pumpamentals” (to quote Francis). They understand the crypto markets and deliver with all their products. Of course, Francis saw the early potential of this project and graciously shared it with his TCL fam, changing many lives in the process. We are forever grateful. BHB/BLB for life!

  26. Thx Francis & Team for an new and as always good and profound analysis of the DuckDao network! Keep up the good work!

  27. DuckDao give so many opportunities to people!
    You like farming use DuckFarm
    You like IDO use DuckStarter or buy DDIM.
    They work for people, thats why I love ducks 🙂

  28. Brilliant article, I gotta get busy on duck dao, it’s great to see the partnerships happening in the duck space, they also notice how important your insight into their site and projects are very helpful to us, good stuff Francis, the only way is up.

  29. This project is going to continue for decades! I really appreciate how soon we get in this projects thanks yo Francis!

    Congrats all!

  30. Ross Ziniauskas

    Everything you need to know about DuckDAO ecosystem. Short, concise and informative. This Duck consistently lays golden eggs $🥚$ so make an omelette out of it. Quack quack.

  31. This article beautifully explains the entire DUCK ecosystem.
    For someone who wants to understand what Duck is all about this is a must read. It is power packed article that contains golden nuggets. Cheers Francis for putting together.

  32. Thank you for all this great information on DUCKS, I’ve just recently joined TCL and article has really good information on who and what DUCKS do!!!
    ❤️ TCL ❤️

  33. Live the great in depth information on ducks. Great projects lined up and thank you for what you do for the TCL community!!

  34. Man the fact Francis called this gem so soon and seeing it is flying so hard right now is something beautiful to witness. Duck Dao has so much usecase and will pop so hard even more. #TCL for life!

  35. Francis u the man!!!!🔥 thanks u for that information and the time and love u show the tcl community
    So glad to be part of it! I’m learning more each day and thanks to u faster than I would! 😎🐥🤓

  36. These ducks don’t play…they are top notch, no doubt.
    Full of awesomeness😊

    For me, if anything comes out or through duckdao, I support. That’s how much I trust them.

    Quack quack quack!

    1. Very comprehensive article that answers all the questions I had about DuckDAO. Exciting to hear about the new projects being launched.
      It is so.easy to underestimate the power of the Ducks.
      This is only the beginning and there is so much more news to come.

  37. As is consistent, Francis you provide great content and explanation in the projects you present.

    This is one of those top quality projects I just LOVE.

    As an incubator, DuckDao consistently delivers in top quality projects, their community, like TCL, is a family driven and supportive community.

    As a working proof, an example, I really hope other projects use DuckDao as the standard peg, because if this happens, the oncoming mainstream crypto entry and adoption is going become far better and sweeter far more quickly.

    Thanks to Francis, we are given the chance to be exposed to this project 🙏🙏. Am most grateful 🙏🙏

  38. Marcellus Wallace

    I think they are like you…ahead of time 🙂
    The build something really great, i think it’s not even a lot people using Duck. We are so early.

    Let’s bank that coin 🛸

  39. Great work very detailed…. I can tell you put your heart and soul in everything you do.. Thanks for everything you do in this space.. I’ve learned so much from you.. cheers

  40. Duck Dao has really created a complete Defi ecosystem that goes way beyond just private sales. I am so glad that TCL is partnering with them. This article gives us a great overview of everything that is currently going on in the ducks world. Thank you Francis and the team.

  41. DuckDao has the best cards in this space and very interesting to follow. They will serve the customers and will adapt that’s my thinking’s about this. Much more coming from them for sure.

  42. Loving the detailed, concise articles TCL provides on his golden picks

    Duck is its own breed of a VC, they are for the people for sure.

    Much respect to TCL and admins for these articles, these articles help cover the ecosystem of the project mentioned and show the benefits they bring to the crypto and defi space as a whole


  43. As an incubator, DuckDao consistently delivers top quality projects and we are a very supportive community.

  44. Joaquin Capozzoli

    I’m in love with the Ducks! They are so resilient and hard working!

    I’m all in with their projects and can’t wait till duckswap launches!

  45. Joaquin Capozzoli

    I’m in love with the Ducks! They are so resilient and hard working!

    I’m all in with their projects and can’t wait till duckswap launches!

    Quack! Quack!

  46. Thanks Francis
    Great insights on Duck. As always, it’s a powerful content and you are spot on with setting the right context of what duckdao can do for the crypto investors.
    Weldone and keep it up man

  47. Jac dx kwazii

    Thanks TCL and Team this isa nice overview of the whole duck ecosystem.
    for anyone that needs to learn about ducks this is where they need to be…

    Keep up the good work!

  48. Thanks to TCL fam and Francis in primis, for make me know about this incredible platform, where you can stake, swap, launch new tokens, partecipate to the farmcubations.. It’s complete with all his products, you can earn money in a lot of ways. I would like to see in a few years where this platform will be… In my opinion, one of the best project of this year!

  49. Great article and I cant wait for the next peak week of the ducks!! They are moving so fast in the crypto space with all those great projects🔥😏 wait for Duckswap guys! Thanks a lot Francis for everything that you do for the community!

  50. Nice write up Francis! It’s crazy to think they’ve only just started 6 months ago. If it isn’t obvious already, they are changing the whole crypto market and only getting bigger.

  51. DuckDao has revolutionized the whole DEFI space by being the first and biggest incubator platform. Amazing and informative article.

  52. That’s a pretty good summary of everything that is DUCK related. Pretty useful handbook for anyone that just started with duck community. Much appreciated! 😁

  53. CryptoIndiaMania

    Great details on different duck dao options available for user .Duck is great community driven VC concept and trying to accomodate people in all ranges by doing duckfarm to DDIM.. Great work TCL !!!

  54. Francis does a great job at TCL!!! Researching, highlighting, presenting and explaining the various aspects of different crypto projects. And in this article he does it for the DuckDAO Updates!!! Thanks Francis!!!

  55. The Duck-Galaxy is growing and growing! Love it to soo how much they deliver! Thanks TCL for this awesome newscompilation!

  56. Very nice review of Duck project

    There is huge potential for this project and still allot of growing potential!!!

  57. Excellent article chief! I feel we’re only at the beginning with DuckDao.

    Regarding the issues they’re having, it’s just a bump in the road. This is a serious crew that works around a clock to deliever.

    1. Duckdao for me have exceeded my expectations! They have a great team and just keep churning out gems every single time. Great article Francis! Let’s bank that coin!!!

  58. Tom Kristlinho

    Francis and the team made such a good work! This is nice summary of DuckDAO! These folks at Ducks are really crazy! Thank you for content like this, very much appreciated! #BHB

  59. Fantastic and very precise article to put the spotlight on an ecosystem reaching new heights every day. It’s amazing to see how the DUCKS are able to develop new strategies along the way and on that account always be on the cutting edge in terms of technology and engineering. As always thanks to TCL/ Francis for having the ability and knowledge to direct us in the right direction.

  60. Been part of this journey between the Duck Team And the TCL fam is just one life opportunity…
    Thanks for what you do TCL, for your community and from the crypto ecosystem in general!!

    Duck are insane and incredibly productive, Tcl is a no brainer, bought are equal to a golden ticket to another galaxy !!


  61. This is a very detailed review of their products. Thank you for taking out the time to share all your knowledge. Now we can Bank that coin. Cheers Brooski

  62. Nice writing style, feels more natural than these overcomplicated articles that throw around with technical terms.

  63. I was already convinced but will take immediate action now thank you for everything you are doing for us

    Love from holland

  64. Anyone else read this whole article in Francis voice? 😁
    Thank you Francis… This was so informative. Especially for people like who are new to the crypto space! ❤️

  65. Very nice read Francis! A concise explanation as to what the Duck ecosystem is and how it works.

    Thank you again

  66. Duckdao – One of the fastest growing project of 2020/2021, and I think this is just a beginning. Hope to see numerous top tier projects under their belt in coming days.

  67. Duckdao – One of the fastest growing project of 2020/2021, and I think this is just the beginning. Hope to see numerous top tier projects under their belt in n coming days.

  68. Thank you Francis for detailed, in depth explanation of whole Duck ecosystem. They really are the best when it comes to incubation, they really deliver best new gems! I love articles like this one and the one about Konomi (another great upcoming project) you did before. Keep doing what you do, you are providing value like no other crypto YouTuber!

  69. AWESOME in depth article.
    In a couple of years when i get a duck token to my name i will surely help
    the platform with doing my part.

    But without the duck tokens i can’t wait for duck swap.
    That will be massive.

    Thanks again Francis

  70. Without a doubt, the Ducks are a leader in the token incubation space. This team continues to innovate, has fantastic utility for their tokens and delivers unmatched value to investors. All others can only trip over themselves in attempts to catch up.

    Thank you Francis for bringing us this project early and continuing to collaborate with this great team.

  71. Awesome read! Got into the duckDao ecosystem thanks to TCL, and it’s been a fascinating and extremely profitable ride. If your new here, as Francis said, numbers talk for themselves, but also these guys are really disrupting the crypto space. Cant wait to see the Duckswap roll out!

    Thanks TCL this is the most comprehensive article I’ve read on the DuckDao ecosystem and a perfect go to read for future friends that I refer.

    1. Unbelievable the info provided here is priceless very informative explained perfectly and thoroughly thank you for all.
      Amazing! 🔥🔥🔥

  72. DuckDAO has a power house team. Constantly bringing new projects to crypto its almost like they never sleep. I’m so thankful TCL brings projects like this to us.

  73. Thanks Francis for putting in all this effort on this write up for duck. Duck is truly changing the Crypto space with the unique products they offer, while rewarding their strong community! I like the way they have approached yield farming, where you can can earn IDO tokens! There mantra of VC vs Ducks shows how much they value a strong community over large whales! Also the quality of projects they are incubating are of the highest quality that bring something novel to the space! For example KeyTango’s mission to make onboarding retail seemless! Thanks again broski for your amazing insight!

  74. Cryptochronicles

    Duck dao changed my life, i have max respect for you guys and Francis ala tlc you bro are the best to get us knowledgeable with duck dao. Thank you and let’s create a great future for the community

  75. Nice reading, easy way to understand DuckDao ecosystem. DuckDao is taking the lead in Defi’s world, easy to use with too many options

  76. Enjoyed reading the informative articles. It’s media content is well verse. DuckDao platforms is here

  77. Crypto Destiny

    Wow! Thanks for the information TCL. Facts are very clear. Duck is best platform…they have everything and the projects? Man! Tones of profits from them and are very good long term projects. Thanks TCL and all the Admins for looking after your community. We appreciate you guys.

  78. Thank you Francis, for this great article of DuckDao and the Duck token. Duck tokens seem to be the entrance ticket for all the good projects coming in the near future. Looking forward to your next article to learn more

  79. Great article about one of the hottest projects in crypto. If you are holding DUCKS or DDIM the future is bright!!!

  80. Like Francis says duck is no more ducking around .with all thhe projects coming this month and duckswap on the way duck will be hodl of everyone’s wallet

  81. DUCK, DDIM, DuckStarter, DuckSwap, And DuckFarm, this team never stops!!! . It is hard to believe how many great projects they manage. They have such a strong team.

  82. I was so late to ducks im kicking myself, haha. Especially, when my sons favorite animals are ducks. Sad

  83. The team at DuckDAO has assembled a complex ecosystem, layered to provide value to $DDIM and $Duck token-holders. Because of the complexity, I field many questions from new users confused about how the ecosystem works. From now on, I’ll save some time by referring them to this article.

  84. As of my opinion I heard duck because of fransis only at that time I didn’t expect duck will go in this way so I just invested little from my money but that is helping me a lot

  85. DuckDao is making some serious waves!
    If you’ve been following them, then you already know that these ducks don’t F@#k around!!!
    Consistently engaging in new partnerships and delivering the goods.
    Bright future for the DuckDao team and all who support.

  86. Holy shit I feel like I’ve missed the boat with DUCK and all offerings. I didn’t understand it all a few weeks ago, but having read up on it and this above article it all makes sense. I wonder if it’s too late. Yo Francis, this article is 🔥🔥🔥

  87. I always tell people my dream job is to be an angel investor or a venture capitalist. With DuckDao and Duckstarter I can become an investor without needing to have huge amounts of capital, also less risks involved.

  88. The Ducks always be doing their thing keeping us all on the edge of our seats everytime they release a new whitelist or project 🔥🔥🔥

  89. The Ducks always be doing their thing keeping us all on the edge of our seats everytime they release a new whitelist or project 🔥🔥🔥 Loving the article you really take a lot of time to do all this for us Thanks Francis 🙏

  90. DuckDAO is a phenomenal project that’s changing lives of average people around the globe.
    Anyone who has or had the chance to participate in their launchpad has my envy 🙂

  91. Thanks Francis for the good info here. TCL changing lives for the little guys. Although I haven’t been able to get in a presale, Hope one day soon, Appreciate you much bro!

  92. Great info about the duck ecosystem! Always something to learn about them. Appreciate the clear and concise explanation here in this write up. Thank you TCL your a true inspiration brother

  93. mohammed benahcene

    Thank you for all this great information on DUCKS, I’ve just recently joined TCL and this article has really good information on who and what DUCKS do!!! Thank you guys
    ❤️ TCL ❤️

  94. Goldman Secks

    I needed a refresher on this eco-system, your article helped quite a bit. I re-read the article and learned even more than what I thought I knew 🙂
    Thank you for sharing and going out of your way to educate us.
    It is always appreciated.

  95. This is an excellent in depth explanation of the Duck Dao/Duck Starter ecosystem. It’s truly impressive how they’ve been making all the right moves from day 1 to ensure that they’re aligning the success of everyone involved. Truly a David vs. Goliath story in the making where many ducks are able to come together as a community and provide a unique proposition VC’s just can’t. All of their incubated projects have been absolute fire and they keep pumping out innovative new products to their arsenal!

  96. I watched Francis videos most of them and I get it and it seems like I’m watching it in slow mo and with diagrams and simple to understand and then I’m watching other utube news and I’m thinking are they on planet Mars or invented another language! Who’s is supposed to understand this waffling!!! Trust me just stick with The crypto lifestyle and the duckdao team. No thinking required job done . Boom 🚀🚀

  97. Ducks are everywhere. They are into everything. Taking the crypto world by storm. They know how its done right. Amazing partnership with TCL. One of the best ones in the space.

  98. Truly can’t wait to see what comes next!! And Im looking forward to see the duckswap 🙂 Thanks for the Article

  99. How could you not love the Ducks? They are working none stop to improve their ecosystem and you can easily tell how good they are. TCL has teamed up with them for a reason. Great explanation Francis, well appreciated. Thanks.

    1. Duckdao family is awesome , every single product is great ! Love the partnership with tcl , keep it up ducks !!!

  100. Great article Francis. Thanks for covering all Duck things. I was confused about why they have different tokens but it all makes sense now!

  101. I have to commend the Duckdao team for working around the clock! I can see these guys flying high! Thanks for a other great article Papa TCL!

  102. Benjamin Bohrmann

    Duck is a game changer, would have aped in earlier, just didn’t trust the project because of the name. Well, that’s crypto 🙂

  103. Although I see that potential I also see risk associated with holding Ducks. There are plenty of other DAO’s competing each other. Until projects will keep some multiples we are all safe…but what than? Thank you for this TCL contribution.

  104. Ducks have created an amazing platform and ecosystem for defi, launching great projects back to back. I wish I knew these guys before.

  105. Manfred Rittmann

    Duck Is A Game Changer!
    They have created a great ecosystem and they keep on launching really good Defi projects.
    You simply have to be part of it.
    Duck All the way!!

  106. Duckstarter , duck farming , duck swap!
    Duckdao is truly amazing .. I learnt things I never knew about Duckdao thank you for a well done thorough article

  107. Hi there great website! Does running a blog like this require a massive amount work?
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  108. Wasnt into the duck branding at first… but over time I realized just how pro they are and everything they touch turns to gold. They built quite a nice reputation.

  109. DuckDao is a complete ecosystem in my opinion..! Is incredible the amount of opportunity and possibilities that the platform can offer us..!

  110. I love everything associated with DuckDao
    Great project, incredible team
    Relentless innovation and definite pumpamentals!!!
    Will be around for a long time to come
    Join now!!!
    #BHB #TCL

  111. Read the article and watched the video. Need my DUCK and DDIM guessing Duckstarter may be the best launchpad on the market right now🚦

  112. Really glad that i made into this one early! This project has been giving me some good gains from farming! And man the peak-weeks are just amazing

  113. Fantastic education on the DUCKS, these will send you quacking to the bank that coin !!! great project with awesome token mechanics! Thanks TCL

  114. Duck is where it is at! I have missed out on a lot of projects through Duckstarter as I was not set up to participate in Duck IDO’s. VC’s do not support the community so I am really supportive of the Duckdao platform and community. I am going to setting aside more focused on getting set up in the ducks ecosystem and be a part of the duck community!

  115. Sanjana Madhura

    Nice Article and video !
    It is gonna be a great one. I have to see about joining in . Thanks for the great advice as usual.

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