Key Tango UI and IDO Revealed!

Well ladies and gentlemen, here we are at This is not the official website, it is the beta version as you can see right here, There’s not much to really show you right now in the beta version. However, they give us a nice glimpse of how things should look once the finished product is live. And I really do appreciate this, coming from a guy who’s trying to educate the world on cryptocurrency. website website

Key Tango makes my job a heck of a lot easier as I mentioned in previous videos, for a number of reasons. But mainly because my audience consists of a majority of people who already know about the fundamentals and the basics of DeFi. Metamask wallet, liquidity pool, UniSwap, and all these swap protocols. I don’t really have enough time, or my channel isn’t really focused on newbies to this space. So for example, my sister wanted to get into the DeFi space. I had to teach her how to you set up her Metamask account, how to do a basic trade on UniSwap, and all that stuff. And it took up about 45 minutes of my time. I could have spent in other areas (no offenses but you know what’s up sis). So next time when somebody asks me basic things like that, I’m going to say, ‘hey, head on over to,’ and that is your educational library. So it takes a lot of the workload off of my chest being a content creator in this space.

Also it’s very appealing and I have to admit, I do love the color coordination. It’s very soothing on the eye, it gives a really nice relaxed and welcoming vibe. So users won’t be confused with things, it’s laid out very nicely, it’s very organized as well. We’re going to get into all of those things in this article. As I said this is like the library, and over here they have all of the major decentralized exchanges or swap protocols that we all know of: Uniswap, Curve, Balancer, Sushiswap, Bancor, and this is pretty much a one click access to it.

We all know there are some bad actors out there and they they pretty much set up the website almost identical to It’s really, so anybody new could easily potentially click on a phishing link, or go to a site pretending to be these protocols. These swap protocols and certain things get compromised, and we’ve seen this happen in the past. It probably happens at least a hundred times a day in crypto. I would love to see the stat of that, I’m pretty sure I’m not too far off.

So them having the direct access right here is going to mitigate that risk right off the bat. So let me just show you guys if I click UniSwap, it takes me directly to UniSwap. Let’s try out the other one. Here if I go to Curve, it’s going to take me directly to Curve. And so on and so forth. So over here is the learn section and this is what i was alluding to. This is a library, an educational library. Let’s just go on the basic things here like liquidity pools, and this drop down menu populates, and they have a market making definition, which is an automated market maker. Impermanent loss and order books are very basic things, and you know, this is not necessarily only for people who are new to this space, but even people who’ve been in the crypto space, and all they really know is Bitcoin.

They’re very knowledgeable, but they don’t even know these things. Like, what’s impermanent loss? So let’s actually head on to market maker first. And this comes up, it’s like pretty much a dictionary, where market making is explained. They even provide video content on this online literature, that people can find right here in this one stop shop.

Market Making Explained

Market makers define liquidity and depth indicators in financial markets the monitor the price of assets they are making in real time, and this is the opposite to the market trend which is often found in an advantageous position, and it goes on. So let’s go to AMM for example. Easily positioned, right there in front of your face. You know it’s just the UI, right? They mentioned that it’s like Robin Hood, in the sense of the UI, it is very seamless and easy to navigate. That’s exactly what I’m seeing here in the beta, to be honest. This is the definition of automated market makers, AKA MMs, are smart contracts in DeFi, that lets anyone create a market by depositing cryptocurrency into a liquidity pool. It acts like a robot that always willing to quote you a price between two assets. So it’s very well explained.

They also have a video over here about that, so you can just click it and the video populates. So that’s pretty cool. It says video by Key Tango. They got some other pieces of information here, or definitions rather, like DeFi, trading leverage, lending liquidation, BTC bridge, derivatives, NFTs non-fungible tokens, really cool stuff here. This is actually something where if you click the tailored recommendations, your next venture should be haven’t tried Compound yet deposit coins to earn both yield and governance tokens on Compound right. So they’re also giving an introduction to the other swap protocols and telling you the the benefits of it so on and so forth. I am connected to one of my Metamask accounts, and that’s what why you’re seeing 0.25 Ethereum over there.

This is the basic layout of the website, Key Tango, analytics, soon you’ll be able to analyze MM’s like Balancer, and invest right on Key Tango. That’s pretty cool. And this is just the beginning right! I can only imagine what they would have certain things like possibly, that you could interact with certain pools directly from their website. That would really make things streamlined and that’s the direction I could see they’re going with. When this website completes and is fully developed, we’re going to see exactly how it’s going to be laid out.

I have admit this is needed in this space, this really is. So good job Key Tango, great product, and I really do look forward to the development of the actual platform in itself. As you guys know the Key Tango token is coming out shortly. They would be launching on DuckStarter, the ideal platform or launch pad. That token plays a key role in this entire protocol in regards to governance. So since we’re talking about that. Let’s actually hit up the original website. There’s not much there for you really right now, as you can see right here white listing ladies and gentlemen, is now available. All you have to do is click this ‘register now’ button and follow the basic steps which we’re going to get to right here. If you guys aren’t a member of KeyTango’s announcement channel, I highly recommend you guys check that out and sign up to it. Just register or follow it. I come here all the time to get caught up myself.

How to Get Whitelisted for KeyTango

So these are the necessary steps involved for you to get white listed. To white list for KeyTango, DuckStarter public offering, please complete the following steps:

DuckDAO tweet
DuckDAO’s Twitter: Instructions for KeyTango Whitelisting

Step 1: tweet about KeyTango with $KeyTango $Duck $DuckDAO @TangoKey, and tag two friends.
Step 2: follow Key Tango on Twitter.
Step 3: Follow DuckDAO on Twitter.
Step 4: join the Key Tango Telegram group. I will also leave that below.
Step 5: join the Key Tango Telegram announcement channel. I would also join DuckDAO’s telegram.
Step 6: join  the DLP DuckDAO Telegram group.
Step 7: Complete KYC for DuckStarter. Very important, you must do your KYC! (This may take several days, so start as early as possible!)
Step 8: Claim your Duck tier, at least bronze, on DuckStarter.
Step 9: Fill out the white list form which is right here as well.

I will leave the link for the Key Tango announcement channel, and then you guys can click on these basic links, and get these nine steps out of the way. It goes on to say the white list will close on Wednesday, March 10th at 2 PM UTC time, users will be able to verify their whitelist status on DuckStarter prior to Key Tango’s public offering on Thursday, March 11th. So at the time of the recording of this video it is Friday March the 5th.

So you guys got about four days to do this. It’s on the 10th here to get white listed, and then the following day March 11th on Thursday, next week. That’s when the IDO is going to take place on DuckStarter.

How to use DuckStarter

How to use DuckStarter

So let’s take a look at the DuckStarter process. To participate in the Key Tango IDO on DuckStarter: you will need to connect your wallet to the platform and obtain your DuckStarter tier. This will involve locking up your DUCK tokens for a short period of time. As you guys know in order to get into these things, you must have DUCK tokens. These IDOs on DuckStarter and Key Tango is no different. And not only you must hold these tokens, you must also lock them up and stake them momentarily, or for however long you deem necessary. And I can show you that, it’s is on the DuckDAO DuckStarter section of their website. Key Tango public sale details: a total allocation of $200K. That’s a decent size for an IDO. Price per token is $0.50 per Key Tango token. Total available is 400,000 tokens, and total seats is 374 people. So good luck to you. Again, I should make a video on how to snipe those bad boys.

So to unlock your wallet: once you click that it’s going to connect with your Metamask right here. It’ll give you access on how long you want to lock up your DUCK tokens. I think it’s 10 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, so on and so forth. There are some benefits involved, and also some disadvantages if you wanted to take them out and unstake. I’ve done a video on that already.

KeyTango Whitelisting
KeyTango Whitelisting Details

So let’s take a look at this right here; this is the actual Medium post. It’s pretty much more detailed on what we just already went over. The nine steps involved for anybody interested. I will leave this down there as well. The bronze tier is 2,000 DUCK tokens. You guys are going to need to get into this to have a shot at this. And also they go up to 5,000, 10,000 Gold and 20,000 in the platinum tier. All right guys so that is how this process is going to work. Click here to see how to get your DuckStarter. It’s a very simple process and don’t forget about KYC, as I’ve already mentioned, that’s very important.

Once again, I’ll definitely be covering Key Tango in the future, making some more videos on it when the actual finished product is alive. This is a need right, I’m all about educational content as well and if Key Tango could relieve that, or help me in that regard, I could definitely relate to them and I surely would be sending people who are asking me basic questions about DeFi to the Key Tango website.

Watch my YouTube video below, and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel, The Crypto Lifestyle.

Links: DuckDAO | DuckStarter
Telegram | Medium | Twitter
DuckStarter Medium Article on KeyTango Whitelisting here.

KeyTango | Telegram | Announcements | Medium | Twitter

TCL’s Twitter

Disclaimer: The Crypto Lifestyle ( is not a financial advisor, nor a registered investment, legal, or tax advisor. All investment and financial opinions expressed by are from personal research and experience. The contents on this site are for informational purposes only, and does not constitute financial, accounting, or legal advice. It is important that you do your own research before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances. You should take independent financial advise from a professional, or independently research and verify, any information you find on our website.


284 thoughts on “Key Tango UI and IDO Revealed!”

  1. This is going to be hugely successful. They have a great team and strong community. #BHB #thecryptolifestyles.

    1. absolutely ! a project making defi more accessible and easier to understand is just lowering the barrier to entry for anyone interested in defi

  2. Thank you Francis and the team for the great article and video on Key Tango. I am excited about this project because it will help many new users to get started with Defi in a user friendly way. I encourage everyone to whitelist for the IDO as I am sure the project will do well.


    Key tango will hopefully bring masses to defi and help crypto mass adoption. Very bullish on this project. Let’s dance!!

    1. KeyTango is going to be big particuarly for those new to defi. The partnership with duckdao and a cosign by Francis = guaranteed good pick

  4. Keytango fills a big gap in the whole space! For newbies its sooo complicated to start with the whole DeFi space. If you know sb who is interested you can say, go to Keytango and read everything and he is best informed after this! Love it! Thanks TCL for this review!

  5. Christoph Frenzel

    If this one doesn’t 100x I’m gonna shave my balls. And I like ’em unshaved…that’s how bullish I am with KeyTango.

  6. This month of March 2021, will definitely be one of the most remembered in the TCL family. I think that without doubt we will dance like never before. This journey will be epic so start take your notes!! Mr. 100xplus will be around.

  7. Harish Gulati

    Amazing article. Very bullish on this project. I am excited about this project because it will help many newbies in the crypto space to get started with ease. With the real world utility, this project will surely do well and have substantial gains.

    Love you work ❤️

    1. Amazing project, and indeed this will make the life easier. People which are new in the crypto universe have an easy bridge to groe the BHBs and learn..

      Thanks for the article Francis

  8. Harry G (Harish)

    Amazing article. Very bullish on this project. I am excited about this project because it will help many newbies in the crypto space to get started with ease. With the real world utility, this project will surely do well and have substantial gains.

    Love you work ❤️

  9. The UI looks amazing and very easy to use from the video you posted. The explanation also brings to light how easy it will be to use for newcomers of DEFI. I look forward to testing it myself.

    Thank you Francis

  10. Super informative, thanks for the article. Also the video truly showed how beautiful the UI is and the Crypto space really needed this for newbies like me!

  11. This is definitely a great article by Francis, another great pick that’s going to provide an excellent DeFi service that’s lacking in the space!

  12. If KeyTango can really follow their plan we should have a lot of new people into this space and that’s really good news!

    1. KeyTango makes it very easy for the crypto newbie to get their feet wet without the intimidation of traditional platforms. Very good product

  13. Another great review before the Token generation event took place, TCL is a real investor with the best best in the whole space! TCL and DUCKS always FIRE!

  14. We Tue early birds in crypto and defi all want mass adoption in this space, so Keytango is a no brainer, much needed platform to onboard noobs and get them up and running, the right way from the onset.
    Am soo bullish on Keytango.
    Great article

  15. Great project and awesome content on their website, it’s gonna be so useful for so many people. Thank you for sharing this and explaining how it works!

  16. Really looking forward to key tango coming to fruition, it’s exactly what’s needed in the crypto space, I can even show my kids this well needed go to, on how to navigate through great information on key tangos site, thank you once again Francis, it is an honour to be part of tcl, bringing top quality projects to the forefront, March is looking so sweet, the only way is up.🇮🇪🔥💥

  17. Goldman Secks

    The UI looks very clean and simple to use. Those are one of the key features that will attract more users to this platform. Well done. Thanks for this great in depth article.

  18. Amazing video and article Francis. I wholeheartedly agree that KeyTango will help onboard many user to decentralized finance. To a fairer financial system and a brighter future for humanity!

  19. On TCL we emphasize the importance of crypto mass adoption. Well Tango fits perfectly with that goal, educating everyday folks and making learning easier. Nice preview of the UI, looking forward for the platform itself. Go get that whitelist! Thanks TCL!

    1. All TCL’s posts on this website are really good and full of information. Thank you for the great content TCL.

  20. Thank you Francis for this article, I’m absolutely sold on this project, will be a game changer for sure. Keep up the food work bro 🤗

      1. Crypto Destiny

        Now will be real easy to explain crypto to even my dad. Love this project…can’t wait to see how this project matures. Good job TCL and all the hard working Admins.

  21. Good article TCL. You must be well surrounded to come up with quality gems that often. Thanks for your hard work. You’re a genius!

  22. Francis and his vision for the future help us normal people to have a better life. You are the man. Thank you very much for your help.

  23. Key Tango will onboard new users to crypto with an simple and inviting user interface; and retain them long term through education. Definitely needed in crypto especially with the huge learning curve for new users. Excited for this project and the developments that will come out from it. Thanks Francis for finding this gem project. Feels like another 100x pick in the making.

  24. As a crypto newbie, I always wanted to see some project like this where I could learn. Finally, it is here!

  25. KeyTango is going to be an excellent resource and utility to all newbies in the crypto space. Thanks a lot for this one. I am sure it will be very successful.

  26. Modern Simplicity

    Trying to educate the world on cryptocurrency? Awesome! Can’t wait for my money to dance with KeyTango!

  27. Vjaceslavs Boronskis

    Oh, I wish I could get in in this 50x gem! Please, please , oh luck, be on my side this time 🙂

  28. SnowflakeCrypto

    Very easy way to teach my friends crypto with this. I am so excited about KEY TANGO!!! Thanks TCL and all the admin

  29. Key tango is a awesome gem discovered by TCL bro. I guess I will see this coin within top 50 in near future.

  30. Awesome explanation of KeyTango Francis! I didn’t even think about the security risks it mitigates. That is actually a big concern in Crypto nowdays. We have an heard of people being scammed by clicking on that fake uniswap account, then connecting their metamask to the site. Once someone has been scammed like that it is highly unlikely they will stay in the space. Also the ‘how to’ videos are amazing! Trying to explain impermanent loss to someone is quite a task. It is great that there is a one stop shop that answers questions like this. Again great explanation of KeyTango. I really enjoyed you video! Thanks Broski!

  31. I don’t know if it’s my luck or what, but I never got to be picked in a whitelist… That’s so weird…

    But I’m glad I got to enter into a presale !
    I am not too new to the market but I bet KeyTango will have useful knowledge for me too! And even if it’s knowledge I know it’s good to run over it again, also so I can remember what wasn’t so intuitive and it’ll help me help my friends and others that enter the market.

  32. Huge project to keep your eyes on KeyTango. It’s having solutions for a lot of new guys in the space and this is what is coming in the near future. TCLProductions did it again. Full support for those guys.

  33. Another 200x incoming.
    Always Frances picks these gems and turn them to diamond.

    Thank you bro
    We love u

  34. Lovin’ the info team. This is really good for the space. Like what Francis said. This IS needed. Until Grandma is making tx, it has to keep getting easier.

  35. Thank you so much for this information!

    I always enjoy reading your article or watching your videos, really thumbs up for your good work!

  36. Thank u Francis for this informative article about what is key tango now I can learn defi in a very easy manner❤️

  37. Amazing article. Very bullish on this project. I am excited about this project because it will help many newbies in the crypto space to get started with ease. With the real world utility, this project will surely do well and have substantial gains.

  38. Great article! And really good read, which gave me a lot, again. I’m so excited where up to this project can go.

    Good luck for Tango ✨🌸

  39. Thank you Francis and Team!
    These articles give us great insights into big opportunities out there. Following this community has given me more information about things I was not aware of before! Great job! We really appreciate this ♥️

  40. Thank you Francis and Team! These articles gives us a lot of new information about the crypto world and how to navigate it.. you are taking us closer to understanding and makeing it simple for the community! ♥️

  41. Another awesome gem by TCL. Just got me some key tango on the launch. This is a genuine project for newbies. Love it!

  42. Francis I am so excited for this project. We had a nice smooth launch and now let’s educate the new adaptors!

  43. Another gem project by Francis aka TCL. The project is great and definitely for the long-term since the staking option is also in there. Thank you TCL, Lets bank that coin.

  44. Solid read about keyTango paving the way into DeFi by making it easy or at least easier for newcomers to enter the DeFi world, learn about it and experience it via tailored recommendations. More users will come into the space this way, which in return will lead to more sophisticated DeFi products and services.
    Great point about keyTango also being a protective environment, didn’t thought about this at first. Keeping bad actors out is a high value feature in general and especially for less experienced users which are even more vulnerable to phishing and scamming attempts. It also gives a good feeling for recommending keyTango to friends which are new to DeFi.

  45. Great article, very informative. And what a launch KeyTango was! Can’t wait for the future of this project. Thanks for securing allo and spreading the love on this one TCL!!! #BHB

  46. I couldn’t get in for the presale but still love this project! Francis always bring the best solid long term bangers!!
    One love

  47. I agree with many things mentioned here. The industry leaders at Duckdao sure dude a good job at constructing a visually welcoming and pleasing UI. When trying to bring the masses into something new such a DeFi, it is essential to have an easiy to use interface. The layout here is easy to track and will not scare a novice away. Key Tango had an amazing and successful launch and I am bullish on its future.

    1. Just check their new website. Ui is sleek! Hope they continue working on it to add more features and educational content.

  48. Really can not wait to see the finished article on this project. Even now after the TGE the price is still very undervalued. Great opportunity!

  49. Education is a KEY to success in crypto space, any space to be honest, and TCLers sure know that! Thank you for presenting us this project Francis 👍

  50. Excellent article on Key Tango. This project definitely focusses on education of the masses in the DeFi space, bridging a huge gap that was felt by many. Great project with huge growth potential.

  51. Keytango what an amazing project!. Thanks Francis for giving us the opportunity to participate in it. Just launched two days ago and holding strong but it certainly needs to gain some traction. I believe Keytango team and duckdao has a lot of things in the pipeline. Let’s go tclers!!

  52. gordongekko_87

    Great project
    Great platform So much to offer for space
    And still at pretty good prices
    I think , keytango will do well in this month and very hyped about this one.
    Thank you for the article/video Francis

  53. What a very comprehensive article! I was also allowed to watch the explanation of the Beta version live via an invite from Key Tango, very cool to see. Thanks for the clear explanation of how you can register for the whitelist and participate via Duckstarter. in short, top article!

  54. Thank you so much for this well written review! We all have to learn a lot in crypto-space, your work definitely helps all of us a lot!

  55. Informative as always!!! Such a successful launch as well. Great project given to us by Francis, the man knows his stuff 🔥🔥🔥

  56. Great review Papa TCL! Keytango will make the lives of us cryptogoers much easier! Congrats to the Keytango team on their successful launch. I appreciate you keeping us informed on all these platforms! The true G.O.A.T.!

  57. Peter Wisniewski

    This project is very excited! I would never found it without you. TCL have the best intel in the crypto space! Thank you for your hard work.

  58. Epic project with solid fundamentals. Definitely a long term hodl with great potential. Great seeing the defi space becoming more friendly for all peoples and keytango aiding in that process.

  59. Very detailed article with everything that one needs to know about keytango and how to get going on Duckstarter. GG TCL!

  60. Key Tango has an exciting future for onboarding the masses onto DeFi, massive potential and so happy to be a part of it. Thanks Francis!

  61. A very detailed and full of information article by
    Awesome project lets bank that coin.
    #Letsbankthatcoin #TCL #BHB

  62. A big shout out to the TCL fam. Great work Francis you are doing an amazing job. Such wonderful article. #TCL always rockssssssss. #BHB

  63. Great project.Amazing platform for TCLers.
    Keytango will do at their best for sure.
    Thank you for the article Francis. You are a gem .

  64. Mick Moon Lambo

    Woah What a great read . Tango is something amazing.They will surely set an example in this project. big shout out to for publishing great article. I wish there were more info i dont want to stop reading . #BHB #TCL

  65. Base of this project is strong enough to project itself to 100x in near feature. Thanks for the indepth info about Key Tango !!!

  66. keyTango is a platform for retail investors to discover and invest in deep DeFi products such as yield farming and liquidity pools.
    Im pretty sure that keytango will bounce higher in price, just need a little bit more time for that. Great article full of important informations, thanks

  67. De Niro (@tagbaby)

    Been following TCL, and he has very strong based insights. Very entertaining yet educational. Very interesting how his follow is not at a million yet, while there are false claiming crypto people who won’t make their viewers win?!

  68. De Niro (@tagbaby)

    Been following TCL, and he has very strong based insights. Very entertaining yet educational. Very interesting how his follow is not at a million yet, while there are false claiming crypto people who won’t make their viewers win?!

  69. Great to see this project moving forward. Once people start to realize the use cases of tango it will be a powerhouse for new entry adoption

  70. Manfred Rittmann

    Very well written, easy to read and understand article containing all the information you need about Keytango, and more!
    Keytango Is A Gem!

  71. Keytango it will be huge.. makes it easy to join DeFi… Let’s get ready to TANGOO.. 😁😊 Thanks TCL for this article and the awesome work 😊

  72. Thank you broski for sharing this important information with the community. It is much appreciated! Love and peace!

  73. Amazing guide here TCL, Love the in depth review of KeyTango and how market makers work! really interesting stuff.

  74. I’m going to use this service to brush up on my crypto knowledge, such an exciting platform. Thanks for hooking us up TCL!

  75. Alejandro Gonzalez

    Keytango should be a long term play. It will become a gateway for new people in the cryptoworld. Great review

  76. Key Tango is an amazing project that will help mass adoption of Crypto. There is a lot to learn to be safe and enjoy the space. This project will help.

  77. Very nicely written article. KeyTango has important role in crypto space, to teach the newcomers to the space

  78. I am expecting big things from KeyTango, with the new roadmap in place we now have a clearer picture of the future. Great partnerships as well

  79. Key Tango is just an amazing project that will help introduce new people in the crypto space. Also they have a very good team behind and of course, the collaboration with TCL will make the project moon!

  80. Great article and l love d the idea and the concept of Key Tango, as TCL says, something like this was much needed in the space.

  81. A very well detailed article about key tango . It is important to have a seamless user friendly ui . Thank you Francis

  82. Super informative, looking forward to the long term success of this project. I did not make the white list however I am excited for everyone that did!

  83. Great articel! The idea and concept from KeyTango is amazing!! Love it 👍🏻
    Thx TCL for this!! 😊🙌🏻👍🏻

  84. Key Tango the Robin Hood of crypto. This will crawl out of its cave soon im sure once they launch their product.

  85. Thanks for the informative articles on your gem picks and constant update of the products u promote to the TCL community, you really do it different then any other crypto tuber out their, always keepin it real my guy, much love Francis

  86. Yessss! Keytango just announced its catalyst program will initiate on april. Bullish news for this amazing project. I hope tango team keep working in new partnerships to get more visible and attract more newbies to defi

  87. Santana Stash

    Great article took some time to read tho. Good one for newcomers to get a some more insight, Thank you TCL!

  88. What an amazing project! It will help so many newbies including myself! That you for sharing this great informative article greatly appreciated ❤️

  89. KeyTango continues to develop its Catalyst launchpad. Some slow start and growing pain but I think they will pickup and do well.

  90. Don’t sleep on Tango, it is accumulating for a huge lift off. Great project, just look at the team and roadmap!

  91. Key Tango is looking like the Wikipedia of crypto! Short cutting the learning curve and direct education is key to unlocking barriers into the crypto space! Exciting project!

  92. I am well influenced to use the Key Tango for the rest of my Crypto life. well-articulated and beautifully presented each piece of information. simple, straightforward content right from the heart to heart. Weldone Mr 100X

  93. Sanjana Madhura

    Nice Article and video!
    It is gonna be a great one. I have to see about joining in. Thanks for the great advice as usual.

  94. Mr. 100X with another great project. I am kicking myself for not being on board sooner. Keep up the great work putting together this amazing content.

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