Konomi Network Explained: The AAVE of Polkadot

People of the world’s governments are fed up and have lost trust. They’re seeking out alternative economies to put their money to work. As a result, decentralized finance (or DeFi for short), is flourishing and Konomi (ticker KONO) will be at the forefront of this evolution. In this article, I will review what Konomi network is, and how it will shape how you borrow, lend, and transact funds forever.

Decentralized Finance Boom
Decentralized Finance Boom is Beginning of Massive Web 3.0 Innovation to Take Place in Coming Years


2021: The Year of Decentralized Finance

   It’s no secret that 2021 is the year of decentralized finance. We’ve gone through some growing pains throughout the years, and today the DeFi industry has matured with fully operative applications and blockchains that offers an array of different decentralized protocols ranging from decentralized wallets, to decentralized exchanges, and decentralized IOT applications.

   But today, with the emergence of decentralized lending and borrowing, these DeFi protocols are in extremely high demand with market caps in the billions. However, Konomi will stand out from the pack, because it’s much more than just lending and borrowing. Konomi is a full fledged asset management solution for on chain crypto assets. This is made possible because it’s built on a substrate framework within the Polkadot network which has interoperability capabilities, allowing users of this protocol to trade, lend, and borrow with a multitude of asset management tools.

Konomi Lend, Konomi Wallet, and Konomi Trade

   First of all, Konomi is a Web3 grant project and has three primary, fully decentralized products. They’re dubbed Konomi Lend, Konomi Wallet, and Konomi Trade. But in order to appreciate these products, let’s briefly touch upon the process, on how centralized loans work. I mean, come on now, at some point in life we all need to take a loan right. You’re not born with ten million dollars of birth and traditional loans. You know from centralized institutions consists of you know the regular things like student loans, car loans and, of course, the more popular one which is home mortgages, which requires credit score reviews and some form of collateral. Furthermore, credit rate and bad debt rate are high with loads of unnecessary paper work. And frankly, the entire process can be complicated and extremely time consuming. I stated earlier banks are losing their trust among citizens of the world due to manipulative and internal corruption. Enter decentralized financial products through Konomi, who streamlines this process. For one, Konomi’s centralized lending protocol does not need any kind of counter party or middleman to conduct credit assessments, and can directly build the laws on the code.

Konomi Protocols

   Konomi decentralized lending use smart contracts to implement, establish rules, replacing centralized institutions with “laws.” In other words the law and trust is within the code, and not in a human being. Point number two: transparency and fast execution. Decentralized lending platforms use smart contracts to ensure that the entire process is open and transparent, which is much more convenient and faster than the traditional and centralized lending products available in today’s markets. Lastly, smart contract capabilities make the Konomi protocol much more secure in a trust less system, because this doesn’t allow the rights to any centralized authority to have full control and leverage over the borrower. Konomi uses blockchain features to achieve things like cost savings, solve trust issues, and reduced financial risks.

   Konomi also has more advanced lending upgrades, based on the current decentralized lending products that are currently on the market right now. This does include improved transaction efficiency, precise exchange rate policies, and fair arbitrator decision making mechanisms, which is all made possible because it is on the Polkadot network.

Konomi Lend

   Their third product is called Konomi Lend, which we kind of did touch upon this product earlier in this video. It is a decentralized money market protocol, for users to borrow and lend assets, meaning it’s pool based. For example, just like on Uniswap, we have liquidity pools. The product is currently based on collateral debt position model. In the real world, this is based on credit scores and paying off your loan on time.

   The way Konomi solves this, is with something called over- collateral loans. So if I wanted to borrow off my own loan or asset which is worth 10 ETH, I would have to put 12 or 15 ETH as collateral; hence over collateral. Which in most countries, loans are not taxable. But I’m not a financial advisor, so do consult with your own financial advisor. More information about this in future videos. This is a important feature for crypto assets to have compound interest, because this feature incentivizes users to hold the asset. Pretty much how the rich do with real estate.

   It’s important to note that DOT or Polkadot will be first supported as the default collateral since it is the native currency in the ecosystem. Konomi Lend also has the capacity to become an alternative solution for projects to raise DOT in exchange for their tokens. So for example, projects can accept DOT as collateral to borrow the native token issued by new projects and receive interest, as we see the likes of AAVE and Compound protocols already doing this, and they have massive market caps in the billions! So investors of KONO token should expect similar results in that regards, if you know what I’m saying.

Francis AKA TCL

Konomi Use Cases

   What is the use case of this token? It really comes down to three main functions: decentralized governance, user incentivization, and asset staking.

Governance: Token holders would have a say into any new implementation of the Konomi protocol. For example Pool staking fees, transaction fees, burn or liquidity mining ration are initially set by the protocol itself. However token holders could update the numbers and the smart contract itself, based on the voting process. The Konomi team has decided to encourage users to participate in this process, by securing some form of profit set aside to reward the voting participants as well.

Incentivization: If you’ve been in this Defi space long enough, then you know that liquidity for decentralized protocols is one of the most important, if not the most important factor, for adoption. Konomi knows this and has set up a liquidity mining program for users to add liquidity to pools.

   This will allow the user to earn KONO tokens for contributing to the protocol. Therefore a large proportion of the Konomi tokens are reserved to encourage users to add liquidity to the platform, and to use the products that will be readily available at launch, which will give the priority to those who are committed to the program for the long term.

Staking: The third and last use case is asset staking. The Konomi token could be staked to participate in the base layer consensus and earn system rewards. It is also the staking currency to share platform revenue, and ensure that the debt positions are safe. So this plays a very important role within the platform, while users are incentivized at the same time.

The Konomi Team

   So we went over the products and use cases of the token but who is the team behind the Konomi network? We first have COO Jayden Antonio who has over eight years of experience with tech startups more notably in Singapore, playing an important figure in leading projects from the grassroots level to the mature phase. So he is an expert when it comes to growing businesses and startups in the technology industry. We also have the leading developer John Wu who is a substrate builders developer and technical ambassador of Polkadot and Substrate and also has a bachelor’s degree in mathematics. So it’s safe to say the dude’s a mathematician. At the helm we have CEO Ariel Ho who has seven years of experience in tech startups and before Konomi she founded an indoor navigation solution company based on iBeacon Tech which served for Singapore’s largest supermarket chain. So in other words my fellow Crypto Lifestylers, we’re in some really good hands.

Conclusion: Konomi is the DeFi Standard on Polkadot

   So there you have it: Konomi is going to be an absolute force to be reckoned with and will make a big splash in the DeFi space. This is the project the cryptoverse will be hearing a heck of a lot more of in the near future. I can see this platform as the go-to DeFi multi-asset management, money market protocol, lending and borrowing platform, in the decentralized finance space, period! You could bet your bottom Satoshi I’ll be following the developments of the Konomi network, and updating you guys whenever something pops up.

   Also as I said, do be on the lookout for my lending and borrowing videos where most people are taking advantage of tax breaks due to borrowing against their assets via over collateral strategies, and trust me you don’t want to miss those videos.

Watch my YouTube video below, and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel, The Crypto Lifestyle!

The Crypto Lifestyle (TCLProductions.com) is not a financial advisor, nor a registered investment, legal, or tax advisor. All investment and financial opinions expressed by TCLProductions.com are from personal research and experience. The contents on this site are for informational purposes only, and does not constitute financial, accounting, or legal advice. It is important that you do your own research before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances. You should take independent financial advise from a professional, or independently research and verify, any information you find on our website.

It's the Crypto Lifestyle Baby!

650 thoughts on “Konomi Network Explained: The AAVE of Polkadot”

      1. He’s a professional individual and it really shines through in his content. He really is cut from a different cloth compared to other Crypto socialites and Youtubers and a real man of the people.

        1. Cannot stop The TCL’ers. Any project this team brings to light is a GEM. TCL is here to stay. Thanks for all your hard work!

          1. TCL has amazing judgment on picking the right projects.
            He’s one of the few crypto knowledgeables who gives back to his community.

      2. This is reveloutionary and another gem to add to the list of bangers!!! Thanks for sharing this with us in the year of defi !!!

    1. Kmandu in the building. Bigging up the Article Don Francis. Excellent, swift work on the site. Well written, we can shop the images a little brighter. Overall, I agree with Sam, things look good portfolio-wise and site-wise. YUSH!!!!

    2. Very nice write up on konomi. I cant wait to jump in when it launches. When you say the AAVE version on polkadot ecosystem. I am blown away and thinking just hurry up and take my money!TCL for Life.

    3. konomi will definitely splash the cryptospace with a big wave. Amazing article to understand the fundamentals behind this project

      1. Crazy how Francis not only finds the time to bring great projects like Konomi to the community but then produces project breakdowns like the above – the man his team are unreal!

    1. Dot’s network is tipping to be one of the biggest thing in the crypto space, exciting times ahead for all markets jumping on dot.

    1. Prashant saraswat

      I think TCL channel and its owner francis are excellent in their research work along with presentation. Konomi is no doubt on of the most important projects in polkadot ecosystem. I will suggest every crypto lover to join TCL to get valuable information. Thanks team TCL to be our guide. ☺️☺️😎

  1. Konomi will be HUGE. Another gem by TCL. Francis, you are the GOAT of GOATS. We appreciate your educative break downs and finding the gems!

    #TCL #BHB

  2. Man Francis is a OG and has helped many ppl……defo helped me with my investment in crypto…….I would always consider looking into TCL’s calls its always doing something upwards!!! Thanks again TCL bro!!!

  3. Finally, a report that was written with some due diligence. A report that shows the impact Konomi will have on the borrowing and lending ecosystem on the Polkadot chain. The future is DEFI and we’re already the frontrunners of the coming revolution.

    Great read. Thank you TCL

    1. Ya it’s not easy what you’re doing Francis. Thank you so much for your detailed in depth analysis of future projects, especially KONOMI. We are blessed to have you. Love my TCLers!!!

  4. Great and very well explained review. TCL and team are bringing the best of the best all the time. If you haven’t watched his videos, you are losing money and the opportunity to ride this wave.

  5. Bro you’re the best.

    You always have us covered and we love you from the bottom of our hearts, beautifully articulated article, love what you do, keep doing what you do, you put food on the table for a lot of us.


  6. Thank you for your excellent review. Now I know what is Konomi and I understood some things that were’nt clear to me . Appreciate your work TCL!

  7. TCL,

    your content helps me understand the crypto and defi space. Appreciate your honest, real (no bs) and charismatic approach. Excited for konomi.

  8. Super-duper review on Konomi, congrats for the hard work and the end result, it is outstanding. Looking forward for the news, updates and launch of the project.. I don’t see a reason not to be successful 🔥🔥

  9. Being a first mover big DeFi on Polkadot will be enough to propel Konomi. Thanks for the write-up TCL and all you do for the community!

  10. Awesome breakdown of what Konomi is and how we can all take advantage of all the benefits. Love the fundamentals and I am sure this one will do very well in the near future. Thanks a lot for all this vital information.

  11. Excellent project with excellent people involved. I couldn’t be more excited to be a part of something that will surly outdo all the competition. TCL bringing the heat as always. Never a doubt in my mind. Keep up the amazing work!

  12. Broski, I love the fact that you started your own freaking website now!!
    Imo this will help us to as a community to create more traffic on twitter and every other social media channels by sharing your website and your knowledge with others. Keep spreading this fayaaa info, respect and peace! See you on the next video, you’r own your own, laterrrrrrrrr

  13. Another great project to look forward that will add to the ecosystem and grow this space and grow Tcl reputation as to only work with solid good projects.

  14. James at the watercooler

    It’s difficult to express how hyped I am for Konomi launch! If it does half as good as AAVE… and I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t, it already looks like it’s the better solution!

  15. Absolute gem of a find from the master Francis, I’m so excited to be involved with Konomi. Can’t wait for the launch. The fundamentals will moon this project

  16. Yoo Francis and admins. Good to see this page active! Great content. I really appreciate your hard work! Keep it up! BHB baby!

  17. Cant give any more praise for Francis and his TCL community! His work rate and knowledge is second to none when it comes to the crypto and Defi space. He’s always one step ahead of the game seeking out the next game changers, but in addition always helping and sharing this knowledge with others. He’s a professional individual and it really shines through in his content. He really is cut from a different cloth compared to other Crypto socialites and Youtubers and a real man of the people.
    Since following Francis and the TCL journey i’ve found no need to follow anyone else, he’s my one and only source for anything in this Crypto space and will be for the foreseeable future, why follow anyone else I’d say. He not only picks top gems for amazing gains, but also hunts down world changing technology with projects of real solid foundations and values. Although it may sound cliche, I will happily say with pride…TCL4LIFE. As I really do believe he his a life changer.

  18. The one and only TCL to deliver true gems before anyone else 🔥 Looking to stay ahead of the herd? Follow The Crypto Lifestyle ❤️

  19. Great to see this website with all the info about the new projects. Really excited to check the same for the ones coming too.

    Thanks for your work and help.

  20. Another in-depth analysis of a project, KONOMI could not have come aboard at a better time, think AAVE, and Compound but on the PolkaDOT Network with improved features.

  21. Thanks Francis pour your pedagogy, as an investor I really appreciate watching your videos

    Always a pleasure to watch and read from you

  22. Thank you TCL for bringing this project to my attention, and moreover giving it such an in depth explanation. I’m super stoked to see what KONOMI can bring Polkadot!

  23. Wow couldn’t agree more Konomi is an absolute force to be reckoned with!! Aave/Compound on Polkadot enough said. Can’t wait for this to launch soon!

  24. Wow kono is going to be a cracker, I deffo need to grab a bag when it’s released, just delighted for all who got in and know it will be excellent for them, good write up Francis, top marks.

  25. DeFi will definitely take over the economy with projects like this one; I wonder how long will the construction industry take to catch up.

  26. High-level insight, thanks for the information! #Crypto News #DeFi #Dot #Crypto #FinTech #Polkadot #Crypto #Top #Altcoins

  27. Polkadot is taking over and starting a revolution. As KONOMI is the first lending and borrowing on DOT this is a massive.

    Especially when they will provide a solution where ALL users can manage and trade ALL assets in Crypto.

  28. Great article Francis!! Thanks for covering this amazing project, really excited to be a part of it when it launches. Looking forward to more articles from you!

  29. T to the C to the L
    Always covering the hottest projects out there. This is a brilliant read man and we really appreciate all the time and effort invested for your community. Peace am out !!

    1. Konomi is a very interesting project. It is a decentralize money market with lending and borrowing function, seems like Aave on Polkadot ecosystem. This thing will be huge no doubt at all. TCL always picked the very best project in the market. Kudos team TCL!

  30. First of all, this is the website of the G.O.A.T, so you need to listen and learn, TCL knows what he is talking about and won`t advise you badly. Konomi will go through the roof. This is one of the strongest projects of the current year. Konomi will use the most advanced technologies of Polkadot and will take its rightful place in this ecosystem.

  31. Konomi is going to revolutionise borrow/lending in 2021! And I for one cannot wait! So lucky to be apart of this with the TCL fam! Thanks

  32. Hi Francis,
    thanks for all the information to give ppl a better understanding and the trust into DeFi.
    Keep on in your transpartent and helpfull announcements.

  33. Thank you Francis for such a profound explanation of this project. I’m really excited about Konomi. Polkadot projects are flying this year. Go with the flow. Cheers.

  34. Nice explanation of Konomi. I think this project is going to be really Big. Congrats on finding it and thank you for sharing with us.

  35. Great information… I feel so confident in investing in Konomi as soon as it is available. This project is taking DEFI to another level

  36. Hey Francis, thank you for this review. I believe that the Konomi network is one of the better projects in the crypto space that will succeed and deliver on their promises. Unfortunately I have not been able to invest in it so I can’t wait for it to be available to by on exchanges. Keep on the good work and best of luck!

  37. Beautifull website!! Konomi gonna be lit, amazing post!!! Seriosly I learn a lot with your content, your posts and videos!!!

  38. KONOMI wallet, KONOMI lend , KONOMI trade . The mass adoption for lending against ones assets will revolutionise the space . I think the team behind KONOMI are solid ..

  39. Christopher Outland

    Well TCL does it again comin with another HOT FIRE GEM. Great presentation very informative. Always thoroughly impressed with your hard work.


  40. TCL is always one step ahead of the game. Hands down the best crypto and most honest content you can find out there. I want to thank you for the work you do for your community.
    Its the Crypto Lifestyle baby !i

  41. Amazing read! Konomi’s potential to revolutionize defi through Polkadot is just incredible. Learned a lot from this, thanks TCL!

    If you’re just finding TCL.. well you’re in for a treat. Whatever you did to find this, you found a gem. Francis has amazing knowledge on crypto and he knows what’s up. Follow him and you will be 10 steps ahead of the game.

  42. Amazing read! Konomi’s potential to revolutionize defi through Polkadot is just incredible. Learned a lot from this, thanks TCL!

    If you’re just finding TCL.. well you’re in for a treat. Whatever you did to find this, you found a gem. Francis has amazing knowledge on crypto and he knows what’s up. Follow him and you will be 10 steps ahead of the game.

  43. Francis and the admins…
    Now we are talking…what a journey it has been with you guys…
    KONOMI it will be one of the masterpiece.. well described use cases and really a good read

  44. In my opinion Polkadot is going to blow up, and projects like Konomi are going to be in high demand. Lending protocols on ETH are immensely popular. Now imagine what a protocol with a great team behind it on a scalable network can do.

  45. Great article and video on Konomi Network TCL team, i couldn’t really wrap my head around it before but now I have much better understanding. This is going to bring incredible value to the polkadot ecosystem. Thanks for sharing

  46. Crypto Chronicles

    Konomi Will be very interesting exceptionally for borrowing against your collateral. Defi on polkadot is with borrowing and lending will no doubt change the game. I’m seeing that. Blessings for konomi. And thank you for this legendary explanation video, you always bring value tlc!

  47. Fantastic info. Francis has that rare combination of being able to spot amazing projects, present it down easily to an audience and has a real passion in doing so. Quite frankly he is the real deal in a world of surface faced crypto youtubers. Konomi will be huge.

  48. I’m amazed with this review of the Konomi. Very well explained. Was having a hard time understanding Konomi’s full potential and who is part of their team. Did not find this info around. But Francis explains it very well.

  49. Awesome, thanks so much for posting.

    Love to go back and read things, this is amazing!

    Looking forward to more great content.

  50. Konomi looks to be most certainly the bench mark player we need. The more decentralised players in Defi, the better the strength to support individual financial independence and freedom – and am very happy to say that most of the top winning projects by Francis are literally just that, ROCKETS, and I would never have known about them in time 🙏🙏

  51. Nice content to read and stay informed. I really appreciate your research which helps us so much and makes us to understand better any projects and this Crypto Lifestyle! All the best! 👍🏽

  52. This was a long read. Very good article. Learned something new. Thank you.
    Definitely Web 3.0 and DeFi are the future. Polkadot and Konomi will clear the path for others.

  53. Well explained, I am in love with this project. Their future is so promising. Big game changer and big player for the Dot’s ecosystem. Let’s be our own bank.
    Francis always presents great quality projects. Thank you!

  54. Francis is so underated in crypto world. With his wisdom we can get all wealthy! This infotmation is very precious! Broski standart!

  55. Great article on Konomi and why it most expected gem along with comparison of Aave. Waiting to see more articles from TCL …You rock !!!

  56. An amazing in depth review, Konomi is a sleeping giant right now. As always, Francis finds them before they wake and break some ground!

  57. Looking forward to see Konomi flourish within the polkadot eco-system. As decentralised liquidity and money market supporting cross chain assets, the sky isn’t the limit. Amazing innovation by the team, always great to see web 3 grants supporting up and coming projects developing on substate.

  58. Discovering TCL on youtube was like winning a jackpot. Francis is amazing guy with great passion towards everything connected to crypto, you can hear that in his voice. He also cares a lot for his community and present’s us only best projects, just like Konomi. Quality of his videos, same as quality of this article, is on another level. Explainng everything in a way that no matter how experienced you are, you can understand what every project is about.

  59. This is awesome, a place where we can read and review TCL’s take on the direction the crypto space is going. Bookmarked!

    I definitely learn a lot from Francis’s content. 🙂

  60. Francis like always u the best in this game! Congrats for all u had archived!
    U rock!

    TCL FAMMM <3

    Can’t wait for Konomi to go live

  61. Thank you for taking the time to explain everything to us. You make it very easy to understand. Your always bringing us value added projects Defi and no pump and dump coins.

  62. Thank you for taking the time to explain everything to us. You make it very easy to understand. Your always bringing us value added projects to Defi and no pump and dump coins.

    1. The aave of pokadot.
      This is an awesome project
      Can’t wait for the world to see it

      Mr 1000x will do it again.
      Thanks Frances for the beautiful presentation😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  63. Beautiful website broski! It’s got the signature TCL flair. Thanks so much for all the hard work and generosity. You are a true gem in the crypto space. 🔥 picks as always!

  64. Wow man, this is super informative, especially for people like me who aren’t super savvy. I can not wait… Konomi is going to be a real banger!

  65. Absolutely mind-blowing. One of the best projects I am excited about and can’t wait to see things fall into place. Think AAVE but with interoperability. AMAZING.

  66. What a brilliant way to make people u understand that this will be more than all the other lending platforms combined thank you for your thoughts broo

  67. Great write up! Another gem launching soon. Thanks for always delivering to the community. We all appreciate you very much so

  68. Chukwunonso Chukwuka Oraedu

    The few times I listened to TCL, i never regretted it! He is very committed to his community, and very trustworthy and knows his stuff. Will stand behind this guy any day, any time. I am happy to be part of the TCL fam.

  69. Great job TCL. We love all the work you do. I can’t thank you enough. I am happy to be part of TCL family. You are the best

  70. Another solid DeFi project shared by Francis. Can’t wait to see what they build on Polkadot in the months and years to come!

  71. TCL with the amazing picks. Konomi is a game changer for the polkadot network!!! Been following TLC since 2018! He always delivers with these gem projects!!!

  72. Francis is the GOAT! Always keeping us informed and up to speed! Konomi will be a game changer and I can’t wait to be apart of all this! So happy to be apart of the TCL family!

  73. Am in love with this project, and I can’t wait for it to go live.
    Great use cases; decentralized governance, user incentivization, and asset staking.

    This is gonna be a leader in the pack, for sure

  74. This man is already a legend. he has an incredible amount of knowledge. The best part is that he can clearly explain the technical aspects to his followers. This makes it fun for everyone to learn more and to follow his channel!

  75. Great article Francis. I like the way you gave real world examples such as student loans, car loans, mortgage etc in this article. It’s great to see that Konomi is addressing the current issues taking place in the centralized “world” such as manipulation etc (I lost trust in the centralized entities). Thank you for always educating us. I enjoy reading your high quality articles. Keep it up man.

  76. Great write up and video. Make understanding konomi much easier. Thanks for the efforts Francis. Keep it up. TCL Army Forever.

  77. Great Review like always. TCL is the one in the Business who can convert complexity into simplicity. Keep up the good work!

  78. Thanks Francis, again good explanations, good structures and excellent advice. Always good ideas and good advice, it is promising for the rest of the events.

  79. This is gonna be a game changer on the financial system!!! Crypto revolution is happening!!

    Amazing recap and overview as usual, your insight are very strong and reliable!!

    Thank for everything you do for the community!!!

  80. Ras Anthony Palmer

    Francis is one of the leading crypto influencers that spots projects with solid foundations and integrity. Its good to see the industry recognise your expertise.

  81. Congratulations on all your accomplishments, Francis. Your are truly respected and love, in crypto communities. Your work is admirable.

  82. Good place to gather topnotch info about great projects brought by team TCL. This is a site i will visit many times in the near future, congrats team TCL with this new addition to the TCL brand.

  83. Last time i posted it stated dupicate and i refreshed but didnt see any post. Great tokenomics. AAVE is $3,917,339,712 MC so just imagine the potential

  84. Complimenti!! Il tuo modo di esporre in modo scherzoso le cose serie, fanno di te una persona degna di stima….. oltre che un Grande cercatore di Gemme….. Saluti da Roma by Stefano

  85. I really admire Francis’ attention to detail and empirical evidence. This guy is a realist and actually shows true results unlike most. #BHB

  86. Thank you SO much for your valuable information, Francis!
    I’m always looking forward to your yt video’s and now I’ll definitely keep a close eye on your website as well 🙂

  87. I’m really excited to be part of this hypersonic project, i’m glad to be part of this fantastic community, and i’m so grateful to Francis for all that he do for us everyday, with his fantastic team! Always big up fot TCL!

  88. Damn, this project is the bomb. If this gets even 10% the market of Aave, the pre-sale holders are going to be very very happy! #BHB

  89. TCL is changing lives. So greatful to be a part of the community. He really looks out for people by bringing good quality projects to the table. Thanks man for all you do. #BHB 4 Life

  90. Much love to you TCL and the content you provide, TCL fam always got your back.

    One thing i reckon the site needs is a “show more replies” tab so you dont have to scroll all the way down to comment. Other than that everything is great, keep up the articles.

  91. Amazing! Konomi’s potential to revolutionize defi through Polkadot is just incredible. Learned a lot from this, thanks TCL!
    And many thx to Francis to bring me here!!!!

    TCL 4 life!!!!!!!

  92. Speakless…everything TCL is doing is great…ain’t no mediocre, number 1 always…keep it up the very good work you are doing! We love you!

  93. konomi is going to be epic and will change lives, people! thank you Francis for always explainig projects the way you do. keep it up bro!

  94. Finally a website! Where we can see through the glass. Loved how TCL and Admin are making progress. Keep the good work.
    Thank you

  95. Prime DeFi on Polkadot, this will be the hottest coin of the year imo!! This space is super hot right now!!! The real gem though is TCL! happy to have found this guy!!! Loving that crypto lifestyle!

  96. One of the best upcoming projects in the most crowded space in crypto! A proper gem, thanks to Francis for brining this to us. Got to love the crypto lifestyle!

  97. Yes TCL loving your website and this Konomi article was very well put together! This is one project which is getting me very excited! This is a platform that I would use to gain more wealth. Thanks for the hard work you put in for us! Much appreciated! 2021 is going to be a great year!

  98. This is one of the most genuine youtube crypto channels, Crypto Life Style established an amazing value and is carefully selecting and grooming a meaningful crypto community in the TCL in Telegram

  99. Excellent writeup! You gotta admit these $DOT/$KSM projects with japanese names are something else entirely! Thanks Francis for bringing us these gems before anyone else and making even the most complicated things crystal clear!

  100. My man is straight up changing the influencer game. Forget community tokens and paid shillers dumping on their followers. TCL is providing VALUE FOR VALUE. Everyone is winning in the TCL community.

    1. Great article… thank you Francis and the TCL Team for the deep insight and particularly for all the work. 😁👍🏻

  101. TCL fam is all about getting the perfect info without juggling other channels and Crypto geeks. TCL is the real deal..Actually the ONLY deal..Thanks for everything

    1. Konomi has everything to make history. It is a gem of the polkadot system and thats the future of defi. Thanks for the review it really helps to understand the real value.Lets bank that coin!💥💥

  102. What I find super interesting is that AAVE kind of came out and rocketed up from nowhere. Konomi is a super interesting project that is a money market protocol. Yes defi is hot right now, but Konomi serves to bridge the gap for financial networks on polkadot. It really is a gem of a project if they can succeed in that vision

  103. Amazing content as always, Iam amazed how TCL always is ahead of his time and knows whats up in the future! Simply amazing. This guy is a REAL investor and not a marketer!

  104. Congratulations on the community, the partnerships with Tidal, Paralink, and BZX. And most of all the project that will support cross chain asset management.

  105. The Pancake Man

    Konami is one of my favorite projects! I like the concept and the design – this could get interesting

  106. Modern Simplicity

    Blessed to be part of the TCL community. Cannot thank you enough for the knowledge & generosity you have shown us. This is true & rare QUALITY.

  107. I want to thank Francis and the TCL crew for changing my life. I used to be a metrosexual and kept myself in trim. Now, i’m no longer manscaping and I am a baller with #BHB

  108. If there is one man who can explain this project in simple layman’s term who else could it be other than Francis..A++ explanation
    For someone who is unclear on KONOMI use case make sure you read it.It is beautifully crafted and well constructed !!
    Good Narrative.

  109. Konomi has strong use case and Francis above explains this so well.

    If you are interested in further understanding Konomi I would strongly suggest having a look at The CryptoLifeStyles YouTube video on this project.

    I think this project will 100x from its launch, due to the strong team and other similar projects (Think AAVE)

  110. Wow man you really are a rock star. I dont know how you find these gems so early. I Have all your networks bookmarked, saved to home, and favorited. There really is no one else who does what you do and expect nothing in return. Anyone just Francis i reccomoned that you follow him on youtube, twitter, tiktok, etc. Follow them all and you will get the most useful info before everyone else.

  111. Sarik Siddiqui

    Great inside on konomi.Aave is a proven use case,so bringing in the same functionality on dot ecosystem always seems unavoidable.Thanks Francis for this in depth explanation

  112. There is so much quality content that TCL shares, picking and explaining project with true potencial, being one of few YT-ers that actually want to do good for others and is not only about the money. Thank you for that! And thanks for another gem!

  113. I’ve struggled to get my head around understanding De-Fi for soooo long – and you’ve just broken it down so wonderfully! Now I see the potential in this space, and, wowza! Very exciting! Power to the people!

    Thanks so much for your post and sharing your ‘crypto genius with us’!

    I look forward to all your posts 🙂

  114. Glad to be part of this community.
    I hope we can all get some value and some profits to help our family and others.
    Good luck everybody.

  115. Hey Francis so btc will be like your home and taking a loan out on it is like taking a mortgage you think the same principal of taking a loan out to buy more btc as the price goes up and so on to increase your btc portfolio like your property portfolio would work or is it too risky?? Just copy the real estate blue print?? Your thoughts would be appreciated my man and a little song lol

  116. Dear TCL and Team, thanks for your contribution to explain opportunities in crypto like with this deep-dive in Konomi Network. Good job and looking forward for your next article!

  117. Jac dx kwazii

    Konomi has the potential to change the world of Defi in 2021 and I’m excited to see what is coming next!

  118. Konomi is the new kid on the block, on the Polkadot block. Aave and Compound yall better watch out!

  119. gordongekko_87

    Konomi will be huge
    A new and creative face for defi
    Scalable solution with great interface
    And supported by the leggend himself

  120. Wow this Innovation will move crYpto and all of Us ahead !!! Thanks for Your great Work TCL 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀😘😘🚀🚀

  121. Sounds like an amazing project. Francis is an amazing guy! He built this wonderful TCL community to share his research and knowledge!!! Thank you! ❤️

  122. Amazing insight on Konomi’s potential! The way you summarize this project is so nice. I learned a lot from this, thanks Francis!

  123. Crypto Destiny

    Konomi will be big. Great project. Thanks TCL for finding this one. So much appreciate the work you and your Admins do to keep us informed and in helping your Community. Its an honor being part of your Telegram group.

  124. Gabriel Nemcic

    Its so satisfying to see that we r starting to get the whole ecosystems that can replace banks entirely. Cant wait to for Konomi to go live.

  125. KONOMI NETWORK is the first project that i can join, thanks to TCL. I’m glad to anyone who send me this grace, i’ve never partecipated before in a project with bhb like this, with a vision like this one, and a community like this one. Perhaps someone don’t understand what we have throught the hands… This platform in 5 years will be the most useful on the market, because based on polkadot (that’s the future) and it work with the crypto (those are going go be the future too, obviusly). Lending, borrowing, swapping, all in one platform ro manage your crypto asset when you want and like you want: a dream.

  126. Ane here you have it-thorough explanation why Konomi is another GEM picked by TCL. Thank you for sharing it with us and taking your time to explain it. You guys are really the best.

  127. Great article about Konomi, very informative for non technical guy in this space.
    I’m sure it will help most of people understand what Konomi is and what problem they aim to solve.
    Thank you for sharing this project!

  128. Konomi could be Aave Of Polkadot !!! Would be great to also explore how Konomi and Equilibrium together make the lending space strong in Polkadot ecosystem.

  129. The hardest working team in crypto, bringing the fireworks to their community.
    Konomi will be a Behemoth in the industry with project of this calibre in the DeFi space traditional finance doesn’t stand a chance

    1. TCL is a man of the people!!!
      Delivered another A+ gem with KONOMI built within the POLKADOT ecosystem, this project is bound for greatness
      #BHB #TCL

  130. Harry G (Harish)

    This surely is one of the Promising Projects of 2021. The Aave of polkadot with Cross Chain Utility
    With real world use case, strong fundamentals, I would be very shocked, if this doesn’t do 100x.

    Lets go bank that Coin!

    #BHB #TCL #TheCryptoLifestyle

  131. gordongekko_87

    Great review as always brother , have learnt this project because of you and I cant say thank you enough for bringing us this great project to discover.
    Konomi will definitelly have a huge impact on defi space
    I mean we can see this even from their telegram followers
    Great project, solid infrastracture , scalable vision
    What more an investor want!

    1. SnowflakeCrypto

      Konomi could replace financial institutions ?? 🤔🤔 ambitious project thanks again for the information TCL

  132. Awwww maaaan. What can I say besides Konomi is going to melt faces. An innovative lending protocol on POLKADOT. Truly excited to see how their story evolves. Thanks Francis for showing us why Konomi is truly amazing!

  133. The hype on this one is unreal. I see bit potential ahead. Good that TCL has an eye for such great projects early in the stage.

  134. 📣 Super super excited about this project. You explained it really well and it makes it harder to wait until launch… 😄 The ”Aave” of Polkodot, that is something huge! 😍🔥
    I am following you on twitter and youtube and you are awesome! Thank you!

    1. I am so stoked for this project 🙏! So much potential! Can’t wait to follow along on the development! Thanks Papa TCL for the 10/10 article as always!

  135. Thanks for teaching us about Konomi. Konomi is a true Gem and will be a rockstar defi protocol in the Polkadot ecosystem!

  136. The most anticipated coin in the market right now Mr 100x 100x 100x 100x 100x 100x Mr 100x100x 100x 100x 100x 100x Mr 100x 100x💥💥💣💣🎈🎈🎈🎈mr 💥💥💥💥💥💥100x 100x 100x Mr 100x 100x 100x 100x100x 100x Mr 100x 100x 100x 100x

  137. Another gemtastic project.
    If DOT delivers ot it’s promisses this has the potential to be one of top projects in the whole cryptoverse.

    If you haven’t yet go watch the video.
    Brought to you by the #TopCryptoLifechanger.

  138. Another gemtastic project.
    If DOT delivers to it’s promises this has the potential to be one of top projects in the whole cryptoverse.

    If you haven’t yet go watch the video.
    Brought to you by the #TopCryptoLifechanger.

    1. Sainath Shingare

      Konomi is a real game changer and performing really well in the market ,lucky to get information about such projects by our one and only GOAT Mr 100x AKA Francis 🙂 #TCL #BHB

  139. Tomorrow’s interview is gonna be firee. Almost 90k members in Konomi tg certanly this is one of the most hyped project of 2021. Congrats to presalers this a 100x guaranteed. The polkadot aave needless to say let’s bank that coin

  140. Manfred Rittmann

    I Agree – “Konomi is going to be an absolute force to be reckoned with in the DeFi space”.
    Thank you TCL – your ability to pick the best projects out there – is UNMATCHED!

  141. Can’t wait for the potential in Konomi, big things ahead broski! and because of you, we are blessed to be a part of it

  142. KONOMI is my jam!!! Massive project and integrated within the POLKADOT network will make KONOMI the go to for DeFi!!!
    Great job team

  143. The more I learn about KONOMI, the more I believe this project will disrupt the DeFi industry
    Truly incredible what this team is set out to accomplish
    Well done
    Oh and on the Polkadot network to boot!!!

  144. Konomi Use Cases : Governance + Incentivization + Staking= like it a lot ! Great article guys⚡️⚡️⚡️

  145. Congrats on Konomi exchange listing OKEX is a ok! Testnet platform demo soon actual mainnet lending… cant wait!

  146. Pingback: Google

  147. KONO called by TCL is a major coin sitting now at $28.87 mill to watch think to reach AAVE marketcap at $5.461 billion is a possible 186X left go figure. This is a great comfy hold in this bull run

  148. Great effort and hard work put in. Thank you for all that you do. I got in on this project and very happy that I did. I see a bright future.

  149. Konomi is one of my favorite projects. I am a big fan of decentralized lending and borrowing. Everyone in the world can benefit from Konomi and I am sure glad they have built this on Polkadot. Excellent video!

  150. Sanjana Madhura

    Nice Article and video !
    It is gonna be a great one. I have to see about joining in . Thanks for the great advice as usual.

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