The Top Altcoin in 2021: Why Staking Wise Tokens for 1 Year Equals 100X Gains

When it comes to cryptocurrency investing, sorting through a slew of hype-men and paid shills can be a time intensive and laborious process. Here at The Crypto Lifestyle, we utilize our expertise and experience in the cryptocurrency space to find you the most solid crypto assets to invest in. With a focus on strong development teams, sound tokenomics, and winning concepts, we’re able to bring you new and innovative cryptocurrency projects that offer the highest returns and potential. Today we’re bringing you an exciting project that can bring early investors upwards of 100x returns. We believe that WISE may be the top altcoin of 2021! Let’s get started!

WISE Token

The traditional method of investing in cryptocurrency usually involves purchasing tokens off an exchange, and holding them until you’re ready to sell. With WISE token, not only do you benefit from the price appreciation of the token itself, but the built in staking rewards and multipliers make price appreciation happen faster. WISE and it’s team are bringing several game changers to the table, many of which are ingenious and greatly benefit cryptocurrency investors willing to take advantage of them. Here they are in a nutshell:

Two Ways To Compound Gains
There are two ways to compound your gains with WISE token. By staking in the first 14 days, and by making your staking term over 1 year.

Locking in for the first 14 days, you will lock in a share rate, reflecting 10% more WISE shares. Holding WISE tokens can see you gains for sure, but you will miss out on the real gains, with share rates multiplying your WISE rate exponentially. Early stakers are rewarded with the 10% WISE share bonus.

Another way to compound gains is by staking for over 1 year. Every year you stake for will get you a 5% duration bonus, which gives you more WISE shares via interest.
Interest Earning Power is Shares. Once you stake, you get all your shares. For a step by step guide, watch my YouTube video linked here.

To summarize, early stakes and longer stakes will multiply your benefits. The winning combination will make WISE token a top tier coin that crypto investors can count on for safe and consistent growth. This alone makes WISE a top contender for the top altcoin of 2021.

Another consideration that investors will want to take into account is taxes. By staking for a period longer than 1 year, you will significantly reduce your tax liability. Long term capital gains, equals lesser taxes. Personally, I’m staking for 366 days for the aforementioned tax benefits (and compounded gains).

Stake, don’t hodl!
Are you playing the adding and subtracting game, or are you being a boss and playing the multiplication game? If you’re a boss, you’ll want to stake for over 1 year.

The great thing about WISE is the superior tokenomics. By rewarding long term hodlers, and early investors, WISE will continue to grow at a sustainable rate. WISE inflates by 4% per year, 3% per year going back to the stakers. 1% goes to the CM referrer. The other great feature, is that Ethereum and WISE are pegged to each other. If ETH goes up, WISE goes up. With Ethereum doing a 3X, and WISE doing a 33X, it’s an easy 99X gains!

That said, WISE is the real deal. I’m excited about this project, and you should be too. Check out my other YouTube video to see how I put my money where my mouth is, and invested 100 Ethereum into staking this project. I expect WISE to be one of the real big winners this year, and possibly the top altcoin of 2021. You can stake your WISE shares using the link below:

Click below to get 10% more WISE shares:

Sign up for WISE using the link above.


Don’t miss out on our top crypto picks by bookmarking our website and subscribing to our YouTube channel. Stay tuned for our Polkadot coverage in our upcoming articles and videos. Polkadot is going to make massive moves and may become another top altcoin of 2021!

Watch my YouTube video below, and check out my channel here.

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124 thoughts on “The Top Altcoin in 2021: Why Staking Wise Tokens for 1 Year Equals 100X Gains”

    1. gordongekko_87

      Rather than seeing stupid projects that steal people’s money
      I prefer to see projects such as Wise that have a solid infrastructure and that will contribute to the defi ecosystem.

    1. Wise has a really unique idea. Interested to see where it goes. The founders are really active and accessible which is rare too.

  1. After reading the article. I must say I have to side with you on this. Stakers will reap the benefits if all goes well.

    Thank you for another great read TCL

  2. With the cross-chain capabilities and collateral staking, there is a good chance wise gets back on moon path. Good luck to all riding this wave!

  3. Its interesting how they are thinking of also integrating into BSC. I wonder how this will affect it being pegged to Ethereum.

  4. Francis you always amaze me with your knowledge my bro
    I’ve got my Wise staked !!
    Thanks for all that you do for the community

  5. Good discovery! Honest project with a great vision to become our own bank. Staking with Wise is wise! πŸ”₯πŸ’ͺ

  6. I’ve been interested in WISE for sometime now and finally came across your video. I like the rising price floor feature. So, this happens when buyers buy and sell WISE (on UNISWAP) and the generated fees stay in the owner-less Uniswap pool further increasing the price. Pretty cool stuff
    Gotta go fill my bag now and stake em long-term

  7. Wish I had the amount of tokens necessary to make this worth it. Gotta keep this knowledge for the future as I keep growing my wise collection!

  8. Wise has found a strong support but it needs to wake up. More education about the project is needed to attract more investors and then it will be unstoppable

  9. I’m so glad I got into this project. This is a sure way to make massive gains. The tokenomics are flawless. Thanks Francis for the amazing detailed explanation. Check out his videos on you tube.

  10. Wise choices bro. This is inspiring to say the least. Many thans for the time invested into documenting it πŸš€πŸš€

  11. Wise words Francis. Just discovered that you had more posts on your website beside the konomi one…Got some more reading to do πŸ™‚

  12. Seems to be a nice way, how to diversify your DeFi portfolio and to protect a little bit agains impermanent losses.

  13. Unfortunately I havent been in wise before. But this one for shure shows how good TCL is in finding real gems. Only love

    1. Absolutely!!! I’ll be keeping a close eye on future WISE developments
      Thank you TCL for another QUALITY presentation

  14. How long you stake for is how WISE you are. This project utilities both game theory and decentralisation, which is key to the future success of the protocol. Rewarding patient stakers through inflation in reward for creating a price floor benefits all involved. Super excited to watch the progress for the years to come!

  15. Sometimes these things take time to get traction. I still highly believe this will 100x I have most of mine staking for over an year. The next few months this is going to go parabolic. They will be getting marketing via binance soon. The 100x goat strikes again πŸ™‚ TCL always sees things months in advanced than others! Thanks Broski!

  16. I have my Wise staked for over a year. I can’t wait for this to 100x. Wise is undervalued at current prices. The tokenomics and team are just good. Once marketing ramps up, it’s going on a moon mission.

  17. Even though I don’t own too much WISE, I’m sure this project will gain more attention , and the price action will follow also it’s a safe bet against Inflation.

  18. WISE is true DeFi, no admin owns any keys, the smart contract is independent and interacts without any interventions. We can clearly see the power of compounding work if we stake for at least 1year.

  19. Vanshika Gupta

    We will need to pick up some good projects and hold it for long term… That’s best strategy so far i understand…

  20. Harry G(Harish)

    This Project truly deserves Gold Medal. Peter and his team have created a phenomenal long term Defi- project, backed by ETH. Its the matter of time, with Eth prices going parabolic and people adopting Wise. This will surely be a massive success and lead to our Yacht Party yacht πŸ›₯ 🎊

    #BHB #TCL #TheCryptoLifestyle

  21. It’s always a good sign when the founder puts his money where his mouth is.
    I’ll be watching where Wise goes closely. Thanks!

  22. Its too bad i didn’t get in Wise early enough. But as described it has a great potential ahead. Congrats to those who got in.

  23. SnowflakeCrypto

    Great info. Thanks for all the information TCL, always learn something new from you. Thanks to all the Admins too that do a great job.

  24. Mr 100x 100x 100x 100x 100x 100x Mr 100x100x 100x 100x 100x 100x Mr 100x 100xπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’£πŸ’£πŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆmr πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯100x 100x 100x Mr 100x 100x 100x 100x100x 100x Mr 100x 100x 100x 100x 100x

  25. Wise for Life! I love the project but we need to put in some work to get it out there with the broad public. It should moon while it’s not right now, and that’s not because of Peter and the team.

  26. WISE is a great project, just doing things like in the right way, it is one of my personal favourites. With the huge pool of liquidity on Uniswap, having a price floor, being pegged to ETH and now expanding to BSC, … great things to come.

  27. Manfred Rittmann

    I messed up with Wise.
    Had I seen this article early Feb 2021 – I would not have.
    Yet another reason to be part of the TCL team.
    the info you provide free of charge – is invaluable!

  28. It is no doubt that wise is an awesome project with unique fundamentals with great staking philosophy. Thank you for a brilliant article

  29. Fantastic info Francis..! Is very easy to get lost in so many different projects is always good to read different options , ideas & possibilities..

  30. Thanks for making it easier to sift through all the bs in this space. You always keep it real and bring the quality project info. πŸ‘Œ Keep up the great work.

  31. My bag of WISE is staked for 1 year like Francis reccomended! I will be so happy to see the gains after this year! I got into the project in the first 2 weeks, so i get the extra % shares. This thing has not
    Even blown up yet. Don’t just
    Hodl the bags, this is a staking coin guys!

  32. Wasn’t aware about WISE Token but after reading this article I am getting it ! Thanks @TCL for the complete info.

  33. Francis is right, you need to stake quality tokens for big returns. There are many benefits for longer term staking. Working towards passive income vs active income is key to having long term success! I will be looking more into wise tokens.

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