Here’s Why Polkadot and Kusama Will Moon Hard in 2021

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Polkadot, the blockchain of blockchains, that will deliver and solve cross chain transactions, scalability, and security. Solving three major problems in the cryptospace.

Those features add instant value to the crypto space. There is another massive key reason why Polkadot and Kusama will reign supreme and be the top altocoins in 2021.

Polkadot Crypto: Introducing the Parachain Auction

If you want to learn why you should be holding boat loads of these coins and why it will be the best performing altcoin of 2021, read below and then then watch the video.

Polkadot is a Big Deal

Polkadot is the next best thing to happen to crypto since Ethereum. Bitcoin enabled people to send and recieve funds across borders without a bank. Ethereum made crypto programmable with smart contract features that self executes making global business trustless and decentralized.

Now enter Polkadot crypto, who takes it to a whole new level! A blockchain that is compatible with all other blockchains. Meaning Bitcoin, ETH, Ripple, Cardano, NEO, can all talk to each other in one interface. This is also known as cross chain or multi-chain network. This is a VERY big deal.

If we look at where Polkadot ranks by market capitalization, currently #5, it is a direct correlation to the robust and sophistication technology this network offers. What most people don’t know, is that this coin is going to pop more and hard.

Why are Polkadot and Kusama going to be one of the best, if not the top performing coins in 2021?

Polkadot features Governance, Staking, and Bonding.

There is something called a parachain auction, or a parachain lease offering, that will be taking place in Q1 2021. A parachain lease offering is a relatively new way to crowfund. Here’s where a number of top tier projects launching on the substrate framework like Acala Network, Plasm Network, Sora network, Robonomics and many more. They will compete and battle out for the initial 10-12 parachain slots. This will solidify their role in the Polkadot ecosystem by officially becoming the FIRST parachains of the DOT network. This process entails these contestants loaning and or locking up DOT and KSM tokens for 6 months to 2 years.

This is a huge supply of DOT and KSM being locked up for a potential 2 years!
A large percentage of the supply off the markets, making them more scarce. The duration depends on the contributor and how long you choose to lock up the coins.

You’re probably asking yourself, why would I give away my precious DOTS and KSMs? Well first of all you are not giving them away, you’re actually loaning them or leasing them out. And in return you will get, for example, Acala mainet coins, Polkaswap coins, Plasm mainet coins, and Robonomics coins. If you can get your hands on a parachain coin before it is announced, you will have found yourself the gem of gems. The price of that coin will pop instantly, the moment the official announcement is released. That’s a fact.

Polkadot Crypto Perspective: Supply and Demand

Now read (and listen) carefully. To give you perspective, there are about 899 million DOT crypto coins circulating now, with a total supply of roughly 1 billion, with Kusama having a supply of about 10 million coins. According to, who may get a parachain slot, they have a detailed chart that breaks down the total amount of DOT and KSM coins that will be allocated to this parachain offering. The overall amount of units that will be submitted in the auction are 4 million KSM and 400 million DOT. That’s 40% of DOT and KSM that will be off the market. The sell pressure will decrease drastically, and scarcity has increased immensely, not to mention stakers, and governance uses. In other words, this equates to supply and demand.

Polkadot and Kusama Price Predictions

My humble price prediction for Polka Dot and Kusama: we should expect DOT to sit at the number 3 crypto market cap position, leading up to the launch of the parachain auction, which should be taking place in Q1 2021.

This means that DOT only has to do a 2 X. I don’t say this often, but this is guaranteed to happen in a very short period of time. I give this a matter of weeks, as long as the parachain auctions does not delay. Even if the market goes bearish, I believe the launch of the parachains will override that.

Polkadot and Kusama Price Prediction

Check the current price of Polka Dot on Coingecko here.

I believe DOT will be number 3 in market cap very, very soon. We just saw BTC run from $20K to $40K in just a matter of weeks. DOT has a lot going for it, in terms of progress and the sophistication of the network. I got to be honest, we might see DOT contest for that top spot, possibly dethroning ETH.

I really think we will see ETH and DOT market cap have little to no disparity. There will be very little margin that separates ETH and DOT. Dot crypto at the number two spot is possible, and even probable.

With KSM we should expect to see it move from #47 market cap, to around the #30 position. As long as everything goes in motion relating to the Polka dot parachain auctions. This means KSM market cap should be around $1.4 Billion, where DAI currently sits.

I expect this to happen as we get closer to the parachain auction and just after the initial parachains are announced. This means the KSM price will easily double to around $160 a pop.


There you have it ladies and gentlemen. My reasons DOT and KSM will be among the top altcoins in 2021.

And it’s not about ETH vs DOT vs BTC. It doesn’t matter what you buy, it matters what you own. It’s not only about DOT and KSM. In my next video I’m going to share with you what potential parachains I’m going to be gunning for; where, why and how.

Watch my YouTube video below. Visit my YouTube channel, The Crypto Lifestyle here.

The Crypto Lifestyle ( is not a financial advisor, nor a registered investment, legal, or tax advisor. All investment and financial opinions expressed by are from personal research and experience. The contents on this site are for informational purposes only, and does not constitute financial, accounting, or legal advice. It is important that you do your own research before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances. You should take independent financial advise from a professional, or independently research and verify, any information you find on our website.

It's the Crypto Lifestyle Baby!

135 thoughts on “Here’s Why Polkadot and Kusama Will Moon Hard in 2021”

  1. Polkadot has really strong fundamentals. Can’t even imagine how far it can go in the marketcap one day. Hopefully soon we will see the potential.

    1. I think all your dot predictions will be fullfilled accurately. We are now in bull market and if this continues until the end of the year parachains will have plenty of time to launch and reveal all their potential

  2. Polkadot (and her cousin chain Kusama) are the real deal.
    Glad am ahead of the pack courtesy of super calls by our main man Francis.

    Many thanaks TCL

    1. Crypto Destiny

      You said it! I didn’t see the true potential of Dot and Ksm, until I watched your YouTube video on that. Bought ksm and dot afterwards, and now it has more than 3xed since I bought it. When TCL talks, you listen! The man knows his stuff. Where would we be without you TCL. Big thanks to all the Admins as well, great job you guys are doing in the background.

  3. Nice breakdown. You actually exceeded your prediction, KSM is now over $250. 🙂
    Well done. All newb’s should read this quality article then they will truly understand what a big deal Polkadot is. Glad that we in this from the beginning.

  4. Such a clear explanation and fully share your thoughts.

    I believe Polkadot is in prime position to take over the altcoin space currently occupied by ETH, especially because of the slow pace of development within the ETH blockchain..

    With ETH’s network clogged like a traffic jam on a highway,
    Polkadot serves as a protocol for protocols or a blockchain for blockchains.. With the ability to interact with other blockchains on Polkadot ecosystem saving money and resources.

    Truly revolutionary!!

    Thanks for taking us through this from the beginnen, we are just warming up! 🙏

    1. With ethereum being so expensive to run, it’s only a matter of time that a project of this magnitude, DOT/KSM, to compete for that top spot. We’re all
      Watching closely for what’s to come… PLO anyone???

  5. DOT is my biggest bag. Saw the potential early and loaded up. With so much to offer with great use case scenarios, there’s no doubt DOT and KSM will be around for a long time to come. Bring on those Parachain offerings. We at TCL know a good thing and we are ready!!!

  6. Great read again Francis. I agree with all the points you put forward and I am confident we’ll see this all come to fruition. Thanks again for the awesome insight.

  7. The Polkadot eco system is a major player in crypto and has the the ability to take over the game with amount of quality projects coming on to it. That’s why I’m bullish on DOT

  8. On one side $DOT with its high-value financial applications requiring bank-link security and stability and on the other $KUS with its fast iteration and experimentation on new ideas = BIG WIN

    You really know how to recognize them, chief.

  9. Every crypto portfolio MUST have DOT and KSM to complement their BTC and ETH. A no brainer bet. Thanks for the content, Francis!

  10. Again Francis is right on the money! Only have to look at all the big moves DOT has been making recently in terms of gains but also importantly the technical infrastructure work it’s developing. The scalability of their parachains is enormous and why DOT will just keep growing and growing.
    KSM….well thats another beast to watch.

    Once again Francis has his eyes on the next gen, and definitely ones that are here to stay!

  11. Big fan of dot here, slowly picking up ksm, great write up Francis, you de main man, appreciate all the hard work you and admins are doing, top class research, it’s just great being part of tcl best thing that’s happened to me since crypto journey started, legend. :)) tcl 4 lyfe.

  12. DOT and Kusama are going to be as important if not more important than BTC and ETH. You helped us realize this months ago and gave us a huge head start. Thank you for your intelligent insight Francis. You are always very informative.

  13. Polkadot and Kusama ready to take over the crypto space.
    Mots of the great future projects with live around Polkadot, a total winner!

  14. man, with Polkadot you get a whole new ecosystem. Crosschain transactions and hopefully we can rid of high gasfees. Wellcome to the future. We are so lucky to get in early.

  15. This year belongs to Polkadot, thank you for the amazing in depth article, loving these.

    DOT MC will overtake ETH before anyone knows whats going on!

  16. I’m all in when it comes to DOT, what they are planning to do in the crypto space is a massive game changer and I firmly believe it’ll shake everything up. What a fantastic read by the TCL guys

  17. Francis you always amaze me with your knowledge my bro

    Thanks for all that you do for the community

    If it wasn’t for you I would not be soo heavily involved in the DOT space

  18. James at the watercooler

    DOT is what I am recommending this year to every newcomer asking me “what to buy”…
    ADA is still my baby though, not gonna lie! 😀

  19. It’s impressive how they already have so many projects building with them. That tells it all. They will all pull together to make it work. Great future, no doubt! Thanks for the info.

  20. DOT & KSM are going to be epic this 2021
    A must to read for all beginners.. This info helped ne a lot to understand the real value on what I invest.
    TCL is committed to his community

  21. Atm im buying DOT as much as I can, still so cheap and what a future. It’s great to read an article like this, i cant wait till everything goes live acala plasm polkaswap and so many others that are now testing under polkadot. I have no doubts and certainly not now when someone like you says so, thanks Francis aka G.O.A.T 🔥

  22. Jac dx kwazii

    the high fees on Ethereum are creating a barrier to entry for the ‘little guy’ and forcing people to look for alternatives .. I believe Polkadot is in prime position to take these users from Eth

  23. I have a big hopes on the DOT infrastructure. Too bad that I haven’t got a KSM timely. WEB 3 should be huge. Awaiting for the XOR airdrop 😉

  24. Polkadots approach and full security checking of every company ensures the platform is incredibly safe for their users/communities to both use and invest in!
    Executing business in this way inspires innovation which i am sure will continue to excite and delight us for many years to come.

    Thankyou for the Information TCL Productions.

  25. Parachains auctions will be one of, if not, the biggest event that happens in 2021. Truly amazing the future of the polkadot ecosystem, with the main man Gavin Wood behind the wheel.

  26. This is a very digestible breakdown of KSM and DOT. Its important for all investors to understand and successful predict the direct a market is going. It is clear that much of crypto excitement will be moving towards the polkadot network and parachains. Thanks for giving us this information so early on and helping us bank some coin with you brother.

  27. There is no doubt this is about to explode! The tokenomics themselves lead to this due to the supply/demand effects by the parachain lockups. Don’t forget there are going to be multiple parachains. It is unthinkable what is going to happen to the price. People will be in a mad rush to buy these this month! Nicely presented Broski!

  28. DOT will bring interoperability that is so badly needed in the crypto space. Brining blockchains together. I can’t wait for the possibilities that will come from DOT being unleashed.

  29. “I believe DOT will be number 3 in market cap very, very soon.” HAHA so smart! Reading this now feels like you came from the future Francis. Just amazing vision.

  30. Stack up them Polkadots and Kusamas! This is going to be an exciting 2021!!! Thanks for another great article!!!

  31. Harry G (Harish)

    Polkadot is in prime position to take over the altcoin space. Glad, I stuck by your advice back in the day and picked up whole heap of DOT’S & KUSAMS’s. Now not only, I have made significant gains but excited to be part of the Polkadot Infrastructure.

    Great Insights & Wisdom 🙏

    #BHB #TCL #TheCryptoLifestyle

  32. gordongekko_87

    I don’t think people still see the potential of polkadot.
    Polkadot is a revolutionary technology that has the potential to change not only the cryptocurrency ecosystem, but the whole world.
    In the future there will be no one who does not hear the name Polkadot
    Thanks for this valuable article, Francis.

  33. Great Insights Francis. Dot is a gamechanger. It’s going to help Ethereum and defi scale by bringing chains and communities together. Very much looking forward to the full launch!

  34. Polkadot/Kusama is going to be absolutely massive. Created by Gavin Wood who played a huge role in creating Ethereum and wrote the Solidity smart contract language speaks volumes. The sheer number of teams developing on Dot is mind blowing.

  35. Manfred Rittmann

    Spot On As Always.
    You Wrote The Article When Dot Was @ 12USD.
    Today 21 Mar 2021 – Its @ 37 USD….
    Polkadot Is HUGE!

  36. Shii, another great article bro, where you explain everything in the finest matter as possible. Thanks to you we all filled our bags with Dot and some of us also with KSM. Let’s see how they will perform in the coming 1-3 years! Can’t wait.

  37. All things polkadot the multi chain technology will breach 2021 . With the parachains around the corner dot and kusama will ground break the space .. good well detailed and thorough article

  38. Dot and Kusama are my biggest bags..can’t wait for the parachain auctions to start…I so want to lock up my tokens to earn those sweet acala and karura tokens

  39. Ksm is a beast. It doesn’t care about any market dump. It just goes up. Your predictions were right! Parachains soon!

  40. I’m a big fan of DOT! Kusama is ahead of DOT, so that certainly looks promising! Looking forward to the Parachain Auctions

  41. Thanks for breaking it down for us, you really make sure that people understand why the coins have a bright future in the crypto world! Lets bank that coin!

  42. Polkadot is a big deal. This project is aiming for new heights in the CRYPTOworld. Bag yourself some DOT’s today and buckle up, cuz its about to get real!!!
    #BHB #TCL
    Thx Francis for bringing Polkadot to my attention, its my biggest bag 😉

  43. Perfect year for both! I hold mostly DOT, diamond hands on this one for sure! Not going to sell this badboy cuz of the upside potential!

  44. Polkadot connecting all the dots while Kusama leading them through the substrate chain… Nicely played Gavin Wood.

  45. Polkadot And Kusama both projects I really like ! Thanks for this detailed article Francis🙏🙏🙏

  46. TCL was right on his prediction both DOT and KSM mooned like mad for the parachain auctions, Not only Mr 100x but Mr Nostradamus. FIRE!

  47. It’s very interesting topic. If ETH don’t fix gas prices, DOT can be really ETH killer. Growing community and IDO’s of trending projects doing great work.

  48. Polkadot and Kusama are “A” quality projects. I can see Polkadot being super bullish in the years ahead. DOT and KSM will be quality altcoins to hold in 2021 and beyond.

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